AmpliconSuite / AmpliconSuite-pipeline

A quickstart tool for AmpliconArchitect. Performs all preliminary steps (alignment, CNV calling, seed interval detection) required prior to running AmpliconArchitect. Previously called PrepareAA.
53 stars 28 forks source link in Docker has permission problem to write #13

Closed Si-Nan closed 3 years ago

Si-Nan commented 3 years ago

Hi Jens,

I installed PrepareAA and AmpliconArchictect accroding to Readme by docker. But when I run PAA through with CNV bed and bam(coordination sorted), it occurs something wrong about Permission.

$PAA -o ~/r2/paa-output -s test -t 5 --cnv_bed ~/r2/data/filter1.SCNA --sorted_bam ~/r2/data/R19059763LD01-18s18941-eHCC1.mkdup.realn.recal.bam  --no_AA
Creating a docker script with the following argstring:
--ref hg19 -t 5 --cngain 4.999999 --cnsize_min 50000 --downsample 10 -s test -o /home/output --sorted_bam /home/bam_dir/R19059763LD01-18s18941-eHCC1.mkdup.realn.recal.bam --cnv_bed /home/bed_dir/filter1.SCNA

docker run  --rm -e AA_DATA_REPO=/home/data_repo -e argstring="$argstring" -v $AA_DATA_REPO:/home/data_repo -v /home/zhaisinan/r2/data:/home/bam_dir -v /home/zhaisinan/r2/data:/home/bed_dir -v /home/zhaisinan/r2/paa-output:/home/output -v /home/zhaisinan/r2/:/home/programs/mosek/8/licenses jluebeck/prepareaa  bash /home/

/home/ line 9: /home/output/docker_home_manifest.log: Permission denied
/home/ line 10: /home/output/PAA_stdout.log: Permission denied

the two lines for this error are:

ls /home > /home/output/docker_home_manifest.log
python programs/PrepareAA-master/ $argstring &> /home/output/PAA_stdout.log

When I run PAA interactively, the user is root in the docker, and I succeed to implement the first line code: ls /home > /home/output/docker_home_manifest.log I don't konw why it fell with script.

Firstly, I tried to change permission of this output directory and made a new image. but it did't work. Then, I changed add --privileged=true option in to gave it a high permission, but it did't work, too...

I am very new to docker and I have google and read a book for docker for the error. Maybe I did some stupid things, but I don't realize...

Could you please give me a hand?

Best, Sinan

Si-Nan commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I realized the reason of error. It's because of the permission of the directories which mounted to the docker are low. I went in the wrong direction before.