AmplifyCreations / AmplifyShaderEditor-Feedback

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URP 6000.0.9 MacOS error when includes ASE MotionVectors Pass #320

Open Dawie3565 opened 1 week ago

Dawie3565 commented 1 week ago

Note could not be reproduced in SG by user -- testing SG graph with 'additional motion vectors' set to 'timebased' or 'custom' and no compile errors showing

ASE Error: Shader error in 'New Amplify Shader': undeclared identifier 'RemapFoveatedRenderingResolve' at 6/Library/PackageCache/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/MotionVectorsCommon.hlsl(33) (on metal)



Dawie3565 commented 1 week ago

Note contact discord user "Greg" when progressed or need more info

gregharding commented 1 week ago

Basic details: macOS 13.6.7, Unity 6.0.9f1, Amplify Shader v1.9.5.1 (with template patch from applied). Project using URP with Forward+ rendering.

Most likely unrelated but in Unity 2023.2 the motion vectors option does not appear, but does appear (and is automatically enabled) in Unity 6 with the latest templates.

Also, when opening the shaders in Unity 6 it looks like any shader using tessellation is having the option automatically disabled for some reason (screenshot attached).

Dawie3565 commented 1 week ago

@gregharding In Unity URP Motion Vector Pass is only added from 17x and higher this is enabled by default when open new shader same as Unity defaults

about tessellation yes sorry that was expected as Tessellation is not compatible with Motion vectors and logic disabled it when you enable tessellation, it will also auto disable Motion vectors.

i will take a closer look at the logic again and see why unity had this enabled by default

thank you for point this out

Dawie3565 commented 1 week ago

@gregharding Updated templates for testing MacOS in templates see item #319