AmritSd / Institutional-ownership-impact-on-stocks-near-one-dollar

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Pull stock data from WRDS (price, returns, splits, exchange ...) #1

Open AmritSd opened 1 year ago

AmritSd commented 1 year ago

We would need daily price OHLC or returns. Indication of splits, delistings, and exchange changes

Edit : 2/3/23:

Taking the following columns from compustat Date range (Jan 2005 - Dec 2021)

To account for splits do prccd / ajexdi

To calculate cum. returns do
p1 = (prcdd / ajexdi) trfd p2 = (prccdd (t-1) / ajexdi (t-1)) trfd(t-1)

r = p1/p2 -1

AmritSd commented 1 year ago

Data was pulled from Securities Daily in Compustat. It's 8gigs!

AmritSd commented 1 year ago

We've switched to the CRSP price data because it has end of period returns (daily adjusted) and delisting variables.

AmritSd commented 1 year ago

In CRSP: identifying companies by permno seems to be the better option because it identifies individual share classes whereas permco identifies companies.


AmritSd commented 1 year ago

(removed comment)

AmritSd commented 1 year ago

Permno: Individual company share class identifier ticker: Ticker exchcd: Exchange code

siccd: SIC code (To take financial companies out) trdstat: Trading stat A: Active, H: halted, S: sus, X: unkown prc: Closing price (-ve if bid-ask spread used to calculate prices) If zero then data is missing (so forward fill) ret: Closing period return

dlstcd: Delisting code

dlret: return after delisting (A if still active, S if suspended)

AmritSd commented 1 year ago

We need cusip as well, since we need merge of cusip for institutional data

AmritSd commented 1 year ago

Pulled data from CRSP>Annual Update>Stock/ Security Files>Daily stock File The date range was 01-2005 to 12-2021 The following columns were requested image

AmritSd commented 1 year ago

Number of shares outstanding (Shrout) was also requested since it is required for calculation ownership %.