Ams627 / mathscats

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Area of triangle, parallelogram, "rhombus". #22

Open Ams627 opened 1 year ago

Ams627 commented 1 year ago



šestiúhelník = hexagon rovnoramenný trojúhelník = isosceles triangle rameno trojúhelníku = arm of the triangle.

The hexagon in the figure consists of an isosceles triangle, a rectangle and a square. The base of an isosceles triangle merges with the longer side of the rectangle and the arm of this triangle is 1 cm longer than side of the square. The perimeter of the square is the same as the perimeter of the triangle, but 8 cm less than the perimeter of the rectangle

By how many cm are the length and width of the rectangle different? How many cm is the arm of the isosceles triangle?

Ams627 commented 1 year ago


Calculate h.