AmyMialeeMods / piercingpaxels

Dynamic Upgradable Multi-tools!
4 stars 7 forks source link

Sweeping edge and offhand use #26

Open HorrySheet11 opened 1 year ago

HorrySheet11 commented 1 year ago
  1. Is it possible to add the sweeping attack from the sword to utilize the sweeping edge enchantment?

  2. When using the off-hand, it doesn't work as it seems that it does the tool functions even if the slot is empty. Is it possible to assign the off-hand for right-click, shift right-click for tool functions and ctrl right-click for the upgrade menu? ( Maybe also add an option to swap right-click and shift right-click for off-hand and tool functions on a config)

Love the mod btw

AmyMialee commented 1 year ago

Yea I should definitely add the sword enchants at some point