An00nymushun / DiscordFreeEmojis

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Its not working #41

Closed rxpsam420 closed 2 years ago

rxpsam420 commented 2 years ago

The plugins hasnt been working for the past 2 days, every time I select an emoji its telling me to buy nitro

Luysita commented 2 years ago

Same problem here

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Which version are you using?

Luysita commented 2 years ago


An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Make sure you are using the latest version

Luysita commented 2 years ago

I tried to install the newest version and now I can't load emojis at all it's crashing my Discord now. What files am I suppose to install?

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Ah so you have been using the installer, I wondered if anyone used that, alright I will update those too when I get the chance

Luysita commented 2 years ago

I uninstalled all plugins, disabled the ones I have and I'm still having issues with Discord crashing when clicking the emoji icon

How do I fix this now?

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Do you have BD or have you always been using the installer?

Luysita commented 2 years ago

I got BD, I downloaded them and placed on the plugin folder

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Show the Ctrl-Shift-I console errors and tell me exactly which file you are using

Luysita commented 2 years ago

Using these plugins

Console error when trying to use emojis

4DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for Fetch through target failed: Target not supported; Fallback: Unknown error cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BDFDB] (v1.9.8) Loading Library cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [XenoLib] Failed to create special parser TypeError: Cannot read property 'voiceChannels' of undefined at t.default (31e141f27aafd6634fd3.js:1482) at 1XenoLib.plugin.js:1057 at buildPlugin (1XenoLib.plugin.js:1071) at 1XenoLib.plugin.js:2269 at 1XenoLib.plugin.js:2270 at 1XenoLib.plugin.js:2276 at Object.getFileModification (:4:308691) at Object..js (:4:269335) at Function.t._load (:4:371583) at Object.loadAddon (:4:269492) at Object.loadAddon (:4:307016) at Object.loadAllAddons (:4:272132) at Object.initialize (:4:266622) at Object.initialize (:4:306226) at Object.startup (:4:368212) (anonymous) @ cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 stacktrace @ 0PluginLibrary.plugin.js:1697 stacktrace @ 0PluginLibrary.plugin.js:4084 (anonymous) @ 1XenoLib.plugin.js:1063 buildPlugin @ 1XenoLib.plugin.js:1071 (anonymous) @ 1XenoLib.plugin.js:2269 (anonymous) @ 1XenoLib.plugin.js:2270 (anonymous) @ 1XenoLib.plugin.js:2276 getFileModification @ VM400:4 (anonymous) @ VM400:4 Module.load @ VM43 loader.js:935 Module._load @ VM43 loader.js:776 f._load @ VM70 asar_bundle.js:5 o._load @ VM75 renderer_init.js:33 t._load @ VM400:4 Module.require @ VM43 loader.js:959 require @ VM50 helpers.js:88 loadAddon @ VM400:4 loadAddon @ VM400:4 loadAllAddons @ VM400:4 initialize @ VM400:4 initialize @ VM400:4 startup @ VM400:4 async function (async) startup @ VM400:4 (anonymous) @ VM400:4 n @ VM400:4 (anonymous) @ VM400:4 (anonymous) @ VM400:4 (anonymous) @ VM400:9 e.startsWith.e.startsWith.WebFrame. @ VM75 renderer_init.js:89 (anonymous) @ VM75 renderer_init.js:117 (anonymous) @ VM75 renderer_init.js:101 emit @ VM14 events.js:315 onMessage @ VM75 renderer_init.js:93 DevTools failed to load source map: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [XenoLib] version 1.3.43 has started. cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [AutoPlayGifs] version 0.1.4 has started. cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [CallTimeCounter] version 0.0.3 has started. cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [EmojiUtilities] version 0.0.9 has started. cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [FreeStickers] Started! cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BetterDiscord] [PluginManager] Starting to watch plugin addons. cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BetterDiscord] [Startup] Loading Themes cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BetterDiscord] [ThemeManager] Starting to watch theme addons. cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BetterDiscord] [Startup] Removing Loading Icon cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BetterDiscord] [Startup] Collecting Startup Errors cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [GatewaySocket] [READY] took 2930ms, via ["gateway-prd-main-2g1w",{"micros":969942,"calls":["discord-sessions-blue-prd-2-18",{"micros":907761,"calls":["start_session",{"micros":255664,"calls":["api-prd-main-lvd8",{"micros":215997,"calls":["get_user",{"micros":6673},"add_authorized_ip",{"micros":9309},"get_guilds",{"micros":8080},"private_channels",{"micros":55475},"read_states",{"micros":42961},"coros_wait",{"micros":47560},"aliases",{"micros":8269},"experiments",{"micros":4902}]}]},"guilds_connect",{"micros":12651,"calls":[]},"presence_connect",{"micros":2,"calls":[]}]}]}] as 99e46d6514a73ab05e1a39bbe9780af1 cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [AuthenticationStore] handleConnectionOpen called {tokenManagerHasToken: true, storageHasToken: true} cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [NativeDispatchUtils] Tried getting Dispatch instance before instantiated (anonymous) @ cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 (anonymous) @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:2068 warn @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:3906 m @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:3721 setCredentials @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:3724 H @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:2766 CONNECTION_OPEN @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:2769 t._dispatch @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:3987 t.dispatch @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:3986 (anonymous) @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:2813 Ee @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:2810 (anonymous) @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:2813 a.emit @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:4916 n._handleDispatch @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:1735 (anonymous) @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:1733 (anonymous) @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:1733 l.push.t.handleFlushEnd @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:1723 d.push @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5716 l.push.t.feed @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:1723 (anonymous) @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:1733 cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [MessageActionCreators] Fetching messages for 412564246921084929 between undefined and undefined. jump=undefined cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [Flux] Slow dispatch on CONNECTION_OPEN: 165ms cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [Flux] Slow batch emitChanges took 455ms recentActions: GAMES_DATABASE_FETCH -> CALL_CONNECT -> ACTIVITY_UPDATE_START -> LOAD_MESSAGES -> BILLING_MOST_RECENT_SUBSCRIPTION_FETCH_START -> USER_SETTINGS_UPDATE -> EXPERIMENT_TRIGGER -> TUTORIAL_INDICATOR_HIDE -> TRACK -> TRACK cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [GatewaySocket] [READY_SUPPLEMENTAL] took 3727ms cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [Flux] Slow batch emitChanges took 297ms recentActions: USER_SETTINGS_UPDATE -> EXPERIMENT_TRIGGER -> TUTORIAL_INDICATOR_HIDE -> TRACK -> TRACK -> TRACK -> DRAFT_CHANGE -> TYPING_STOP_LOCAL -> CONNECTION_OPEN_SUPPLEMENTAL -> VOICE_STATE_UPDATES cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [MessageActionCreators] Fetched 50 messages for 412564246921084929 isBefore:false isAfter:false cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [Flux] Slow batch emitChanges took 210ms recentActions: PRESENCE_UPDATE -> PRESENCE_UPDATE -> GUILD_MEMBER_ADD -> MESSAGE_UPDATE -> STATUS_PAGE_SCHEDULED_MAINTENANCE -> CHECKING_FOR_UPDATES -> ACTIVITY_UPDATE_SUCCESS -> BILLING_MOST_RECENT_SUBSCRIPTION_FETCH_SUCCESS -> LIBRARY_FETCH_SUCCESS -> LOAD_MESSAGES_SUCCESS cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [Flux] Slow dispatch on LOAD_MESSAGES_SUCCESS: 218ms cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BetterDiscord] [Emotes] BTTV cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [MessageActionCreators] Fetching messages for 412564246921084929 between undefined and undefined. jump=undefined cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [MessageActionCreators] Fetched 50 messages for 412564246921084929 isBefore:false isAfter:false cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BetterDiscord] [Emotes] FrankerFaceZ cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [MessageLoggerV2] ImageCacheServer: OK cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [Flux] Slow dispatch on GAMES_DATABASE_UPDATE: 122ms cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [BDFDB] (v1.9.8) Finished loading Library cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [CompleteTimestamps] (v1.6.0) has been started cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [PinDMs] (v1.8.5) has been started cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [RunningGameStore] games [{…}] cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 [RTCLatencyTestManager] RTC cached preferred region is europe cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 Error: Minified React error #130; visit[]=undefined&args[]= for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings. at nl (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6045) at e (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5984) at Bo (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5996) at $s (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6041) at Gu (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6031) at Uu (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6031) at wu (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6031) at Au (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6028) at 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973 at t.unstable_runWithPriority (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6272) at Ki (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973) at Xi (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973) at qi (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973) at we (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6050) at en (29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5950) at HTMLDivElement.r (cce880051e247eefbd29.js:126) (anonymous) @ cce880051e247eefbd29.js:130 Es @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6016 a.componentDidCatch.n.callback @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6016 pa @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5976 Ss @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6018 Bu @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6036 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6272 Ki @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973 Vu @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6032 Au @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6028 (anonymous) @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6272 Ki @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973 Xi @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973 qi @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5973 we @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:6050 en @ 29b0241324f43bcdb80c.js:5950 r @ cce880051e247eefbd29.js:126 cce880051e247eefbd29.js:132 POST 429 (Too Many Requests)

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Please only use one of the plugin files, no need for the meta file or anything else from this repo Looking at the logs, it doesn't seem like the plugin is even enabled

Luysita commented 2 years ago

Yea but even with the plugins disabled Discord is completely broken now...

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Disable all plugins

Luysita commented 2 years ago

I literally deleted all the plugins and still have the same issue :/

sapphic-wallflower commented 2 years ago

If you're downloading this plugin from the BD website, it's an outdated version (1.4). The current working version (1.6) isn't on the BD website.

If you want the current version, either use the installer in the README, or download a fresh copy from here.

Luysita commented 2 years ago

The installer doesn't work for me

Luysita commented 2 years ago

Having this issue when placing the file in plugins folder on BD

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Please make sure you downloaded it properly

Luysita commented 2 years ago

How do I download it properly? I've been right/alt clicking it like you said

sapphic-wallflower commented 2 years ago

Open Terminal, change the directory to where you want to download the items and type:

If you're on Windows,

rxpsam420 commented 2 years ago

I installed the latest version from here and this happens whenever I click on emojis, I can still use the emojis only from keyboard using ':'



An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Which file are you using exactly?

rxpsam420 commented 2 years ago

Which file are you using exactly?

I tried both DiscordFreeEmojis.plugin.js and DiscordFreeEmojis64px.plugin.js, and both had the same problem

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Turn off all your other plugins and restart Discord

rxpsam420 commented 2 years ago

Disabled all plugin and also removed them, restarted discord and still facing the same issue

Edit: And I got this error when I clicked on emojis image

Luysita commented 2 years ago

Disabled all plugin and also removed them, restarted discord and still facing the same issue

Edit: And I got this error when I clicked on emojis image

Go to BD settings and disable "Emote System"

rxpsam420 commented 2 years ago

Disabled all plugin and also removed them, restarted discord and still facing the same issue Edit: And I got this error when I clicked on emojis image

Go to BD settings and disable "Emote System"

It worked! Thank you so much <333

EvilFlame112 commented 2 years ago

This problem still persists... tried downloading from the repository, used 64px version and the normal one, got the one from BD's official site and nothing seems to work. My BD emote system is disabled and i have no other plugins.

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Which BD version do you have, which discord (ptb, normal, canary)? Send a pic of your plugins folder. Also, does it happen when you click on available emotes or only with gray ones?

Russian-kun commented 2 years ago

The crash problem was with the BD update. The latest one fixes this bug (at least for me).

SwiftWinds commented 2 years ago

Had the same problem with the crashes and such and what fixed it was updating BD to the latest and DiscordFreeEmojis to v1.6. 👍