An00nymushun / DiscordFreeEmojis

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[Question] Removed Plugin Info #54

Open mangkoran opened 1 year ago

mangkoran commented 1 year ago

First of all, thank you for maintaining this plugin.

I would like to ask a question. After curiously looking at commit history, I found out that you omit the plugin information (jsdoc I guess?) in a recent commit, which includes the auto-update capability. Is this intended?

An00nymushun commented 1 year ago

Ah my bad, my local version didn't have that when I worked on the update

QbDesu commented 1 year ago

[...] in a recent commit, which includes the auto-update capability. Is this intended?

For clarity sake. The @updateUrl does nothing, it's just something people are still doing because everyone is doing it but it has no effect. There is no auto update capabilities in BetterDiscord at the moment, all update prompts are handled by the Libraries (ZeresPluginLibrary and BDFDB) and only work for plugins using that library.

Update checks will be included in BD when the Store is integrated into BD, but those updates won't rely on @updateUrl but other mechanisms connected to the store instead.