An00nymushun / DiscordFreeEmojis

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Not working - "META was not found." #55

Closed GloppyBoopin closed 2 years ago

GloppyBoopin commented 2 years ago

The README is awful. It doesn't explain what all the files are and what needs to be installed for it to work.

I've ran the powershell script, I downloaded all the files that seemed necessary (meta, plugin, user)


Deleted these files 1 by 1 and re-added them to plugins folder, nothing changes - it always shows this "META was not found." message. The plugin doesn't show up in the plugins list inside Discord itself.

GloppyBoopin commented 2 years ago

And yes, FreeStickers doesn't work too

An00nymushun commented 2 years ago

Make sure you are using the newest version. Also, you likely downloaded some HTML instead of the source code. It's only the plugin file that's needed for BD.

GloppyBoopin commented 2 years ago

Works, my bad