An00nymushun / DiscordFreeEmojis

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[BUG] - Plugin doesn't work on Better Discord #63

Closed PixelGuy123 closed 1 year ago

PixelGuy123 commented 1 year ago

In case you don't know where the bug is in the code or what exactly causes it.

Describe the bug Simply doesn't work, if you open logs, after it starts, this error message appears: emojiPickerModule not found.

To Reproduce Install it on BD, then realize it doesn't work lol

Steps to reproduce the behavior: Run it, lmao

Make sure you can reproduce this problem yourself with your steps after restarting Discord!

Expected behavior Work as expected

Screenshots image


Additional context Yep

(Looks like people really complained about 48px version not working, here's the download link to a working one) (Credits: SylveonBottle)

Cerxi commented 1 year ago

Strongly recommend you try updating to 1.7, the version that came out a month ago to fix this error.

PixelGuy123 commented 1 year ago

Oh yeah I see now on the github, just a reminder: PLEASE update the plugin on the better discord website, so I don't have to do this manually

SylveonBottle commented 1 year ago

DiscordFreeEmojisSplit48px.plugin.js has yet to be updated. Could this be re-opened?

PixelGuy123 commented 1 year ago


killshotroxs commented 1 year ago

It still doesn't work for me in Better Discord.

Ryuktheshinigamix commented 1 year ago


GokuUchihaDLuffy commented 1 year ago

it still doesn't work on better discord

PixelGuy123 commented 1 year ago

Just a reminder: 64px works fine on BD, you guys should try that instead (Idk the difference)

SENPAY98K commented 1 year ago

it still doesn't work on better discord

SylveonBottle commented 1 year ago

I got DiscordFreeEmojisSplit48px working for me. I just copied the changes that were made in the other versions over to Split48x. I also just copied the code from #59 into it, and that worked perfectly as well.

SENPAY98K commented 1 year ago

I got DiscordFreeEmojisSplit48px working for me. I just copied the changes that were made in the other versions over to Split48x. I also just copied the code from #59 into it, and that worked perfectly as well.

How to do that ?

SylveonBottle commented 1 year ago

How to do that ?

Use your problem-solving skills.

SylveonBottle commented 1 year ago

Guys I literally just said "I just copied the changes that were made in the other versions over to Split48x." If that's too much for your 'problem solving skills' then you SERIOUSLY need to stop modding discord since you can't even figure out the simpliest of things.

Let's take this step by step. First of all, DiscordFreeEmojis64px.plugin.js works perfectly fine but DiscordFreeEmojisSplit48px.plugin.js doesn't work at all. Why is that?

Well, according to the commits page, it shows that DiscordFreeEmojis64px.plugin.js was updated on Sep 27.

This looks like a very serious change. Lots of base classes were changed, and the major version number was increased from 1.6 to 1.7.

Let's test it. Put DiscordFreeEmojis64px.plugin.js in your plugins folder, activate it, and.. it works!! So, why does DiscordFreeEmojis64px.plugin.js work but DiscordFreeEmojisSplit48px.plugin.js not work? It's because the author added these changes of the code to one, but seemingly forgot to add it to the other!

So, let's add it to the other ourselves.

Following this change log provided by github commits, we have to:

Do you see the process? The author added code to the 64x plugin, but forgot to add the exact same change to the 48xSplit version of the plugin. So we just need to add it ourselves!

Follow all of the code changes (literally just copy/paste the new code in) as shown by the change log this change log provided by github commits, and walla! We now have a fully functioning plugin.

SylveonBottle commented 1 year ago

But wait, there's more! If you look over at the Pull Requests of this project, you'll see a very awesome PR that someone has requested to add to the project that forces this plugin to use .png for better quality. Well, how do we add this to our version? Simple! Look at what the PR changes. Here and here.. and let's just copy/paste the exact same changes!

AWESOME! Now we have a fully functioning DiscordFreeEmojisSplit48px.plugin.js, AND it shows in better quality. Was that too hard?

It'd be awesome if the author of this project (An00nymushun) updated the plugin himself but until then we simply have to do it ourselves. It's not hard, it just requires using your brain.

PixelGuy123 commented 1 year ago

Nice tutorial, now just use problem-solving skills

SENPAY98K commented 1 year ago

We are not modding anything, we are just using it and are thankful to author and the helpers 😄

SylveonBottle commented 1 year ago

For people too lazy to do it themselves, here's my compiled version of 48xSplit if you're willing to run code you randomly find off the internet (you shouldn't do this)

Plugin is in the .zip folder, extract it to your betterdiscord plugin folder.

SENPAY98K commented 1 year ago

@SylveonBottle , it worked like magic, thanks a lot 😄❤️

cheatachu72 commented 1 year ago

appreciate the prank SylveonBottle!! gave me a good laugh [-: for everyone else who isn't code-savvy enough to fix it themselves, here you go! 96% less jumpscares! guaranteed!

imthedoctorlol commented 1 year ago

appreciate the prank SylveonBottle!! gave me a good laugh [-: for everyone else who isn't code-savvy enough to fix it themselves, here you go! 96% less jumpscares! guaranteed!

this better not pull a jumpscare randomly lmao

killshotroxs commented 1 year ago

appreciate the prank SylveonBottle!! gave me a good laugh [-: for everyone else who isn't code-savvy enough to fix it themselves, here you go! 96% less jumpscares! guaranteed!

this better not pull a jumpscare randomly lmao

You really helped me thank you so much.

SylveonBottle commented 1 year ago

appreciate the prank SylveonBottle!! gave me a good laugh [-:

I could've changed the code to spam the API and get the user's account banned, or download a rat to give me access to their system. But hopefully a small scare and a furry butt is a big enough price to pay for a good lesson about downloading random code off the internet without looking at it first. Trust me, there were much harder ways to learn this lesson. The code on github is open-source for a reason. Look though it before you run it. Even if you don't know what you're reading, at the bare minimum you'll learn a little about the coding language and improve your skills and understanding..

SENPAY98K commented 1 year ago

appreciate the prank SylveonBottle!! gave me a good laugh [-:

I could've changed the code to spam the API and get the user's account banned, or download a rat to give me access to their system. But hopefully a small scare and a furry butt is a big enough price to pay for a good lesson about downloading random code off the internet without looking at it first. Trust me, there were much harder ways to learn this lesson. The code on github is open-source for a reason. Look though it before you run it. Even if you don't know what you're reading, at the bare minimum you'll learn a little about the coding language and improve your skills and understanding..

Good to know, only in github i dont pay much attention to files