EmbeddedXML and SVG are currently defined as String simple types that mean their content model is an XML encoded String (that afterwards might form an XML again or an SVG...)
That means that a Parameter for example that is of type EmbeddedXML wil not contain XML elements like
<my attr1="abc">
Will result in something like this (if not using CDATA ...):
EmbeddedXML -> <any processContents="skip" /> (Any valid XML data is allowed)
SVG -> <any processContents="strict" /> (any Valid XML data that conforms to a schema) or even should xsd:import the SVG schema and require it to be a <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> element.
That way the XML processor has at least basic chance to validate the content given with these models.
If backward compatibility is a concern, one might define two new possible types:
a maybe more smart way would be to let EmbeddedXML be without a type what will result it to be an ur-type:
are currently defined asString
simple types that mean their content model is an XML encoded String (that afterwards might form an XML again or an SVG...)That means that a Parameter for example that is of type
wil not contain XML elements likeWill result in something like this (if not using CDATA ...):
But as it is just a string even invalid XML will be validated as correct.
Instead I think these types must use the XML Representation of Wildcard Schema Components and therefore it should map to:
-><any processContents="skip" />
(Any valid XML data is allowed)SVG
-><any processContents="strict" />
(any Valid XML data that conforms to a schema) or even should xsd:import the SVG schema and require it to be a<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
element.That way the XML processor has at least basic chance to validate the content given with these models.
If backward compatibility is a concern, one might define two new possible types:
a maybe more smart way would be to let EmbeddedXML be without a type what will result it to be an ur-type:
that mean it can contain anything including text content....