AnIML / techniques

AnIML Technique Definitions
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atomic_mass_unit in animl_unit_entities.dtd seems to be incorrect #8

Closed ghost closed 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

atomic_mass_unit is defined as <Unit label='u'><SIUnit exponent='-27' factor='1.660539040'>kg</SIUnit></Unit>

This would mean u = 1.660539040 (kg ^ -27)

As u = 1.660539040 * 10^(-27) kg the definition should be <Unit label='u'><SIUnit factor='1.660539040e-27'>kg</SIUnit></Unit>

Please check if this complies with the use of the factor / exponent attributes.

ghost commented 4 years ago

Fixed with commit 3dc6abbfd1e0c7b060f633c2e5d2dfafd9008824