AnKing-VIP / AnKing-Note-Types
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Certain image occlusions don't scale properly on AnkiMobile #143

Closed rtey31 closed 5 months ago

rtey31 commented 12 months ago

Which Note Type (and version) is this about?

IO-one by one

Problem description

Please describe the issue concisely in here. In case of an error: Walk us through the steps you took to get there. What happened? What did you expect to happen?

Really appreciate this add-on, but I'm having an issue with image occlusion on mobile.

I've made a grand total of two image occlusion cards with this add-on, and one of them displays perfectly on the app. The other one doesn't show the occlusions on the correct parts of this image. I edited the card to show the issue clearly:

Correct version:

Correct version



I think this has something to do with the images scaling and the occlusions not, or the other way around, but I'm not sure.


Please replace the space inside the brackets with an x if the following items apply:

What Anki version are you using?

*Please open Anki, go to Help → About (windows) or Anki → About Anki (mac) to find the version. Edit the value between the backticks below

2.1.62, AnkiMobile 2.0.95

What Operating system are you using? (i.e. MacOS, Windows, Linux)

Please include OS version as well if possible

Windows 10, iOS 16.5.1

Error message (if any)

If you've received an error message, please copy and paste it between the backticks below:

I would really appreciate some insight into this issue. If it's not a bug, how can I make sure all of my cards appear correctly on mobile?

AnKingMed commented 12 months ago

Can you upload a file with your card? You'll need to zip it to attach it here

rtey31 commented 12 months ago

Can you upload a file with your card? You'll need to zip it to attach it here

Deleted the screenshotted test card, but here's the actual card that doesn't work on mobile: Deoxyribose

rtey31 commented 11 months ago

Any ideas on what’s causing this issue? I haven’t been able to figure out what causes it and how to avoid it.

AnKingMed commented 11 months ago

@RisingOrange I just tested this and I'm encountering the same issue. I even tried making a new note with a fresh IO-one by one install on a new profile and then importing to mobile and it doesn't work. My existing IO one by one note types work.

I remember we had a similar issue in the past and it had to do with the closet add-on or something. Any idea what's going on here?

@abdnh feel free to chime in if you have time since @RisingOrange is a bit busier lately

AnKingMed commented 11 months ago

My existing IO one by one notes are working fine and making IO one by one notes in existing profiles where it's working is fine

RisingOrange commented 11 months ago

@AnKingMed I reproduced the issue when using the image from Deoxyribose The occlusions are completely missing on AnkiMobile for me. It seems to me that the problem only occurrs for svg files. (The image from the zip file is an svg file.) It works fine for jpg and png files. Does this match your observations?

AnKingMed commented 11 months ago


This is a jpg and doesn't work for me on mobile (works on desktop)

RisingOrange commented 11 months ago

@AnKingMed That's weird, it works for me on AnkiMobile. I used a new Anki profile, installed the note types add-on and imported the IO-one by one note type through it, and imported your note, then synced to mobile. Are the positions of the occlusions off for you, or are they missing completely on mobile?

AnKingMed commented 11 months ago

That's exactly what I did except I didn't sync to mobile, I exported and then sent it to my phone and imported on mobile. Maybe that's why? Perhaps didn't sync the closet .js and .css files? Could that have done it?

They're completely missing for me.

I'm also on the Anki beta 20096.3 so that could be it? Like I said, it works on my main profile though

RisingOrange commented 11 months ago


Perhaps it didn't sync the closet .js and .css files?

Yes, I think that's it.

Svg files still don't work for me on AnkiMobile, but that's not such a big problem, I guess?

AnKingMed commented 11 months ago

Svg files still don't work for me on AnkiMobile, but that's not such a big problem, I guess?

That's probably an ok limitation for now

@rtey31 does this address the issue or explain the issue you were having with your note?