AnWeber / vscode-httpyac

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How to specfiy multiple scope with oidc/openid login? #213

Closed ThisNoName closed 10 months ago

ThisNoName commented 10 months ago

When using oidc/openid login, it appears only "opneid" is allowed?

Authorization: openid authorization_code (or implicit)

What if I need specify multiple scope during login? Like

Authorization: openid read authorization_code

Tried everything, %20, quoted, different order ... nothing works. Any hints? Thanks

AnWeber commented 10 months ago

The keyword openid in the header is for the parser to know that OpenId substitution should take place here. You need to set variable oauth2_scope (See docs).

ThisNoName commented 10 months ago

I have them in settings file with environments, but somehow oauth2_scope did not pick up initially, then I started tinker inline, probably got more confused. It's all working perfectly now.

Thank you so much for the wonderful framework! Will try cli and assertion next. Not sure how far I can get with automation, one of the service stood out insisting on token from the interactive oidc sso login.