AnaRangel /

Website personal para portafolio
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Refactor: about me section #135

Closed Zyruks closed 4 weeks ago

Zyruks commented 4 weeks ago

Changes Made 🎉

Describe Changes

This pull request includes several updates aimed at improving the code quality and user experience of our project.

  1. Refactor BasicInfo Component:

    • Refactored the Sections/BasicInfo.astro component to enhance its structure and readability.
    • Introduced the CardWrapper component for consistent styling of cards.
    • Improved the responsiveness of the layout by adjusting grid properties and media queries.
    • Updated the styles to use modern CSS techniques, such as custom properties and flexbox, for better maintainability.
  2. Update General Styles:

    • Updated _general.scss to include text color and font size variables for the body:
      • Set body text color to white for improved readability.
      • Introduced font size variable for consistency across the site.
  3. Update Container Styles:

    • Updated _container.scss to improve responsive design:
      • Adjusted max-inline-size for large screens to 90rem.
      • Added padding and margin adjustments for small screens.
  4. Refactor CardWrapper Component:

    • Refactored CardWrapper.astro for better maintainability and consistency:
      • Ensured consistent formatting and structure in the code.
      • No functional changes, purely code quality improvements.

Visuals (Optional)

Checklist ✅

felixicaza commented 4 weeks ago

En móvil luce de esta manera:


Se puede solucionar removiendo la propiedad margin-inline: 1rem; de la línea 175:


Zyruks commented 4 weeks ago


Si, señor, todo lo que no es basic-info se va a romper.

En otro PR estoy trabajando esos detalles.

felixicaza commented 4 weeks ago

