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Feature: add page latam airlines #141

Closed Zyruks closed 3 weeks ago

Zyruks commented 3 weeks ago

Changes Made 🎉

Describe Changes

This PR introduces multiple sections to the LATAM Airways case study and updates the index.astro file to include all these sections. The changes are detailed as follows:

  1. Hero Section:

    • Added main logo and title for the case study.
    • Included description with highlighted text.
    • Created cards for methodology, time taken, and devices used.
    • Applied responsive styles for different screen sizes.
  2. Context Section:

    • Added context title and description.
    • Included images to illustrate the context and opportunity search.
    • Provided explanation of the first AI integration.
    • Applied responsive styles for different screen sizes.
  3. Designs Section:

    • Added problem statement and hypothesis cards.
    • Included user flow image.
    • Highlighted benefits with a dedicated section.
    • Showcased design process with images.
    • Applied responsive styles for different screen sizes.
  4. A/B Testing Section:

    • Added A/B Testing description card with image.
    • Included additional images related to A/B Testing.
    • Applied responsive styles for different screen sizes.
  5. Process Section:

    • Added identified issues and benchmarks sections.
    • Included user personas and interviews with synthetic users.
    • Provided definition section with prioritization simulation.
    • Applied responsive styles for different screen sizes.
  6. Index Update:

    • Updated index.astro to include the new sections: Hero, Context, Designs, A/B Testing, and Process.


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