AnaRangel /

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Zyruks/feature/add page planograma #78

Closed Zyruks closed 1 month ago

Zyruks commented 1 month ago

Changes Made 🎉

Describe Changes

  1. Hero Section

    • Added a new hero section in Hero.astro featuring the main logo, title, description, and three informational cards. The section is styled for both mobile and desktop views with responsive design considerations.
    • Updated styles for the hero section to adjust styles for the main logo and title. The main logo now scales responsively with a max-inline-size, and the title font size uses fluid typography for better scalability across different screen sizes.
  2. Context Section

    • Added a new context section in Context.astro featuring a title, description, image, and informational cards detailing workshop objectives. The section is styled for responsive design, ensuring optimal display on both mobile and desktop devices.
  3. Designs Section

    • Added a new designs section in Designs.astro featuring images and text describing the digitalization of the planogram process. The section is styled for responsive design, ensuring optimal display on both mobile and desktop devices.
  4. Process Section

    • Added a new process section in Process.astro featuring journey maps, testing phases, and analysis descriptions. The section includes images and cards detailing the various stages of the process, with responsive design to ensure optimal display on both mobile and desktop devices.
  5. Contact Section

    • Refactored the contact section in contact.astro to use more generic class names. Updated the container, content, title, description, and actions classes for better readability and maintainability. Styles and layout remain consistent with the previous implementation.
  6. Planograma Page

    • Refactored Planograma/index.astro to modularize the hero, context, process, designs, and contact sections into individual components. Updated the layout to improve readability and maintainability by importing and using these components directly within the main layout.

Visuals (Optional)

Checklist ✅

AnaRangel commented 1 month ago

Querido TL Zyruks :· necesito que porfa modifique el tamaño de las cajas contenedoras la la información ya que en el figma las tres cajas tienen el mismo tamaño :3


Captura de pantalla 2024-06-01 a la(s) 10 54 31 p  m


Captura de pantalla 2024-06-01 a la(s) 10 54 53 p  m

adicional corrige el espacio entre lineas porque esta demasiado apiñado el texto, acomodar el tamaño de la imagen, y el interlineado del tecto de las cards
