Anachron / i3blocks

Additional/custom blocks which fit my needs
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weather script: Faulty grep ranges #50

Closed simonszu closed 4 years ago

simonszu commented 7 years ago


i didn't get the weather block to work, so i tried to execute it manually. This resulted in the following output:

$ ./                                                                                                                                                                                    
grep: Das Ende des angegebenen Intervalls ist nicht gültig

The grep error roughly translates to "The end of the given interval is invalid" or something. Is this the intended behavior?

Anachron commented 6 years ago

Nope, weird. I'll see if I can replicate.

vKnmnn commented 4 years ago

it's possible that you have a different flavor of grep installed. are you on a mac possibly, or bsd or something esoteric?