AnacletoLAB / grape

🍇 GRAPE is a Rust/Python Graph Representation Learning library for Predictions and Evaluations
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Need documentation on how to use a knowledge graph in grape #26

Closed gsanou closed 1 year ago

gsanou commented 1 year ago

Hello, I have another question on how to import my data in grape. I think it is more a clarification on my method to import my KG.

kg = Graph.from_csv(directed=True,
                       sources_column_number= 0,
                       destinations_column_number=2, name="mAbKG", verbose=True, edge_list_header=True)

but i saw that it exists node_path and other properties like in edge_path, so i don't know if i did in the good way my read from_csv. Can you please give me some explanation knowning i have a KG (with edge and node typed). Below is an example of my data.

Thank you for your answer


 node source|edge|node destination
pubmed:2843774|dc:title|Selective killing of HIV-infected cells by recombinant human CD4-Pseudomonas exotoxin hybrid protein.
imgt:StudyProduct_54a14ca8-f916-338b-af18-d079beb598a4|imgt:development_technology|  Dyax human antibody phage display library 


LucaCappelletti94 commented 1 year ago

Hi! Here you have a decently complete tutorial on file loading. Anyhow, your parametrization seems okay. Is there any error?

zommiommy commented 1 year ago

Currently, You are loading a graph with the edge_types, I seem to understand that you also have node types, in order to load them you need to create a node's file like so:


and load it by specifying the parameter node_path and its settings.

Otherwise, you can create a node_types file which is just a list of the types of each node and can be loaded using the node_type_list_path parameter.


Do you have a single type or multiple types for each node?

gsanou commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your different answers, @zommiommy i have multiple type of each node (all the rdf:type) so i think i need to create a file with the node_name and its type based on the rdf:type as you mention it.

Thank you in advance Gaoussou

LucaCappelletti94 commented 1 year ago

Hi @gsanou, generally, we have two files for the KG use case: a node list and an edge list. Additionally, in some cases, you may want to specify a node type list and an edge type list which contains the unique types. On kgobo, you can find tens of examples of KGs presented in this format.

Contact us on Telegram or Discord if you need a quick call to resolve this issue (links in the read me).

gsanou commented 1 year ago

@LucaCappelletti94 thank you, the telegram link is missed in the readme can you please provide for future issues ;) . Gaoussou

LucaCappelletti94 commented 1 year ago

There is the button, right on the top.