Anahkiasen / cookie-monster

A rehosted, cleaned up and updated version of the CookieMonster plugin.
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Error with next cookie timer #28

Open worldendDominator opened 10 years ago

worldendDominator commented 10 years ago

Next cookie timer is often way off. I witnessed golden cookies appearing while the timer had around 400 seconds left without golden cookie upgrades, with the upgrades it's a magnitude lower - about 50 seconds. Same error occured with next reindeer timer before the big update, and presumably still does (I just cannot check it now).

On a related note, when a timer is high (several hundred seconds), its bar has a grey part on the left. Not sure if it's intended.

Miccro commented 10 years ago

As far as I'm aware this isn't a glitch, they grey bar represents the minimum time required and the pink bar is when it may show up, it can show up at any point in the pink bar as there is no set time so it's a little random but yeah it will never show up if there is grey left in the bar I could be wrong of cause

metoxys commented 10 years ago

So, assuming @Miccro is right, wouldn't it be a good idea to set an option to just display and account for the grey bar?

DosParkers commented 10 years ago

@metoxys No since the timer still going indicates the cookie to spawn hasn't spawned yet. The timer will disappear when the cookie appears and reset when the cookie is clicked. Unless you meant to not show the the bar at all until the the cookie has a possibility to show up (ie. don't show gray bar at all). All though this wouldn't really achieve anything but make unsuspecting users think the bar was disabled some how.