Anahkiasen / cookie-monster

A rehosted, cleaned up and updated version of the CookieMonster plugin.
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QoL Suggestions + Found Bug #33

Open DosParkers opened 10 years ago

DosParkers commented 10 years ago
  1. Give an option to disable "Estimates" (just add it to the possibilities of Estimate options that are already there).

  2. Disable "Lucky Cookies (FRENZY)" when "Grandmatriarchs status" = "angered".

  3. Add in "Heavenly Chips (POP)" that will display the number of chips one would get from resetting after popping all the wrinklers.

  4. Under each building info (under the "Time Left") display the time left with wrinkler cps added.

//C# Pseudo Code private static int SecondsLeft(double cost, double cookiesInBank, double rewardsFromPopping, double wrinklerCPS) {      var cookiesNeeded = (cost - cookiesInBank - rewardsFromPopping);      var secLeft = Math.Ceiling(cookiesNeeded / wrinklerCPS);      return secLeft; }

edit (bug found): It came to my attention that the current Cookie Monster displays Time Left without even considering wrinklers. Even if you have 10 wrinklers and your income is 50% less, it will display the same amount of time as if you had your unwithered cps still. This is incorrect info as there are only 2 situations that are correct:

  1. Time left with withered cps + bank.
    • Player does not intend to pop wrinklers.
  2. 2. Time left with unwithered cps + bank + wrinkler bank + wrinkler bonus cps.
    • Player intends to pop wrinklers.

Would like to add that I don't think anyone would intend not to ever pop wrinklers, so I think #2 should be default. Not sure why #1 would ever be desired.

DosParkers commented 10 years ago

Does the creator ever check up on his projects?

DosParkers commented 10 years ago

Guess not.

Anahkiasen commented 10 years ago

I check them, I just don't have any leftover time to fix issues on this one :/