Anahkiasen / cookie-monster

A rehosted, cleaned up and updated version of the CookieMonster plugin.
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Need private build documentation #37

Closed davidgro closed 10 years ago

davidgro commented 10 years ago

Can someone please add documentation to the Readme about how to build and load a private copy of Cookie Monster? When it was all one file on Pastebin I had a private fork, but I don't know how to do that now.

Even a simple change like adding '|| name == "Cookie Baker"' isn't something I would want to submit without the ability to test it! And I do want to contribute more than that (there are several fixes and features I think I could code myself if I could test them)

Anahkiasen commented 10 years ago

Did you check the README ? or do you have additional questions ?

davidgro commented 10 years ago

Yup. The big question is: After downloading the source, what needs to be done in order to load it into Cookie Clicker in my browser?

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 12:21 PM, Maxime Fabre notifications@github.comwrote:

Did you check the README ? or do you have additional questions ?

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Anahkiasen commented 10 years ago

You should be able to create the usual bookmarklet but that points to the file in local, per example :

javascript: (function () {  var jA = document.createElement('script');  jA.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript');  jA.setAttribute('src', 'http://localhost/cookie-monster/dist/cookie-monster.js?' + new Date().getTime());  document.body.appendChild(jA);}());
davidgro commented 10 years ago

Great! Thanks! I had the impression that there was some kind of build process needed (minifiying or something) before it could work.

EDIT: Oh, I see there is some stuff in the Readme that I missed before. Sorry about that.

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 1:05 PM, Maxime Fabre notifications@github.comwrote:

You should be able to create the usual bookmarklet but that points to the file in local, per example :

javascript: (function () { var jA = document.createElement('script'); jA.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); jA.setAttribute('src', 'http://localhost/cookie-monster/dist/cookie-monster.js?' + new Date().getTime()); document.body.appendChild(jA);}());

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

Anahkiasen commented 10 years ago

Well you will need to run Grunt yeah

davidgro commented 10 years ago

When I get home today (or perhaps later this weekend) I will set up a fork and try to fix #36 as a trial run :-) I will close this issue when I get set up.

davidgro commented 10 years ago

I am stuck. through trial and error I figured out extra packages that need to be installed (and how to do so, and I took notes so I can update the Readme) but now I am hitting this:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/grunt Running "compass:compile" (compass) task error dist/sass/styles.scss (Line 21 of dist/sass/helpers/_variables.scss: Invalid CSS after "...reen : #76B7E1 ": expected "}", was "!global;") overwrite styles.css error dist/sass/colorblind.scss (Line 21 of dist/sass/helpers/_variables.scss: Invalid CSS after "...reen : #76B7E1 ": expected "}", was "!global;") overwrite colorblind.css Compilation took 7.007s Warning: ↑ Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

Even if I knew CSS and could fix the source files, it still means something is working for you that isn't for me. Any ideas?

royaldark commented 10 years ago

@davidgro: I had the same problem, but was able to solve it easily. !global is new to Sass 3.3, but the stable version of Compass uses Sass 3.2. To solve, you need to use the pre-release version of Compass. gem install compass --pre

davidgro commented 10 years ago


Anahkiasen commented 10 years ago

I thought I had packed a Gemfile to install the proper gems but seems I forgot to commit it, will fix that later.