Analog-Labs / testnet_issue_tracker

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Comprehensive Guide for Installing an Analog Node #610

Open catsmile100 opened 3 weeks ago

catsmile100 commented 3 weeks ago

Motivation The need to simplify and streamline the process of installing an Analog node for new users motivated this suggestion. Many users face challenges with understanding and executing the installation steps, resulting in a demand for a clear and concise tutorial.

Problem Statement The current documentation for installing an Analog node is complex and can be overwhelming for beginners. Users often struggle with technical jargon, missing dependencies, and step-by-step procedures.

Suggested Solution Create a comprehensive, easy-to-follow tutorial for installing an Analog node. This guide should include detailed steps, screenshots, and troubleshooting tips to assist users through the entire process.

Additional Information A well-structured tutorial can significantly reduce user frustration and support requests. The suggested guide can be found here