Analog-Labs / testnet_issue_tracker

This repository is dedicated to tracking issues reported by Analog testnet users
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Feature Suggestion #613

Open Git-money-bee opened 3 weeks ago

Git-money-bee commented 3 weeks ago

Issue Description:

I've been experiencing significant delays in synchronizing my node validator with the Analog network. This issue is impacting my ability to maintain an up-to-date and fully functional node validator. I have reviewed the official documentation, checked the network status for any recent announcements, and engaged with the developer community forums but have not found any conclusive information addressing the current synchronization delays. Could you provide insights into the reasons behind these prolonged synchronization times and suggest any steps or configurations to optimize the synchronization process?

Feature Suggestion:

To address this issue, I propose the introduction of a "Fast Sync" mode for node validators. This feature would enable nodes to quickly catch up with the latest state of the blockchain by downloading and verifying only the most recent state data rather than processing every historical transaction. Implementing this feature would significantly reduce synchronization times, improve network participation by allowing more nodes to join and become active faster, and make the process more accessible to a broader range of participants.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.