AnalogJ / scrutiny

Hard Drive S.M.A.R.T Monitoring, Historical Trends & Real World Failure Thresholds
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[FEAT] 2 Options: (1) disable alert in Dashboard until next data change (2) In dashboard list, show "Reallocated Sectors Count" next to POWERED ON #587

Open SaraDark opened 4 months ago

SaraDark commented 4 months ago

1) It would be great if it was possible to mark disks as functional on the dashboard list until the parameters are changed. I have 2 of them that are functional but marked as defective, I don't know why, but for this purpose they are OK for now, and I would like it to alert me if there are any changes to the disk.


2) If it's not a problem, it would be nice to make an option that can be turned on/off to show Reallocated Sectors Count" next to POWERED ON in main Dashboard List.

thx :)