AnalogJ / scrutiny

Hard Drive S.M.A.R.T Monitoring, Historical Trends & Real World Failure Thresholds
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[BUG] Web-UI freezing potentially due to too much historical data being displayed #650

Open EpicLPer opened 1 month ago

EpicLPer commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug I have about 24 drives added to Scrutiny spread across a few devices which are (mostly) updated every 15 minutes. I think this is too much data to handle for the web interface however, when opening any drive to view more details the whole web interface starts freezing and after a few seconds becomes entirely unresponsive, freezing the whole tab with it. The only thing I can do at this point is to be quick enough and click on another link to switch away from that site. If I'm too slow Chrome asks me to kill the tab after a while. One additional thing I just found out: Brave reports a memory usage of over 700MB after just a few seconds of the tab being opened, so I think Scrutiny is trying to load massive amounts of historical data and tried to display it all in those tiny graph displays. I haven't had this issue shortly after setting Scrutiny up, so this might confirm my suspicion. This happens on Chrome, Brave and Edge and on multiple different devices. I have not tested Firefox as of yet.

Expected behavior The site should stay responsive.

Screenshots Here's a GIF showing what I mean :) This is a beefy PC I tried to open the site on. brave_4z9g1R6jNJ

Log Files Don't think it's needed? If so please tell me :)

EpicLPer commented 1 month ago

Oh... I just noticed this might be a duplicate of #648, I swear I checked the issues before but I completely missed that one somehow ^^" Sorry!

AnonymousRetard commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue here! Initial page load when trying to look at details for a device is quite slow and it seems to be because a json file of almost 2MB is being retrieved and parsed from the server.

When page finally loads clicking "Show all attributes" locks the browser up for minutes and then trying to hover mouse over the history column locks it up again. Seems like the details page needs some logic to load a maximum number of records and/or selectable date ranges.

The history column is unusable anyway being that small and trying to show data collected over potentially years when my datapoints are only 15 minutes apart. It would be much more useful to see one datapoint per day or or maybe even week/month.