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Interesting/Fundamental Tech Series #93

Open AnalogJ opened 4 years ago

AnalogJ commented 4 years ago

Day 1 (Threshold): Lets say you have some data you want to protect. There are a trusted people that should be able to see the information you protected, but only if a majority (50% or more) of your trusted people agree. What kind of information would you protect like this?

Day 2(Client certs): The standard for securely communicating online is that a user will visit a website and determine if he trusts that the website is who it says it is (https - client validates the server's certificates). The server then authenticates the user using his username and password. To provide an additional layer of security, some websites require a username/password (what-you-know) as well as a one-time-password/token (what you have) to verify users.

Now imagine a different scenario, what if you could:

Day 3(Bloom Filter): The next is a math concept. You have a tiny black box. You can add hundreds or millions of items to the box, the size wont change, it's incredibly tiny. At any time you can add items to the box or duplicate it. Here's where it gets fun: whenever you ask the box if it had an item it gives you one of two answers instantly: yes or maybe. When I say instantly, I mean it, there's no sorting, network requests or anything.

What could you do with this magic box?

Day 4(Docker): You have an program. This program is packaged in a box, and the box has some special properties:

How would you use this box? How could it make your life easier?

This next one is a math concept as well. Its a bit weird to conceptualize, so feel free to ask questions if something doesn’t make sense.

Day 5(Merkel Filter): You have a box full of data. You can add or remove from this box. Every time you try to make a change to the contents of the box, the original box is duplicated, your change is made and the new box is given a label with the following information:

Here’s where it gets interesting.

How could you use this box and trust mechanism?

Day 6 (Voice/Intent Detection): If you had the ability to determine the emotions of the writer for any snippet of text, what could you do with it? What if you could determine the emotion of the speaker in a sound clip? Can you think of any useful applications?

Day X:

Day X: You have a special box. You give each of your friends their own key and a copy of this special box. Anytime one of your friends adds, changes or removes an item from the box, the same changes happen to the content of everyone else’s box. When you give your friends a key, you can decide how long the key will last. If your friend’s key disappears, the contents of their box is frozen. The size of the item added or removed doesn’t matter, changes are instant.

Day 7: Your home wifi router has a range of \~100 feet. What if you could replace your router with a device that would let you access your home network from 2.5 miles away. How would that change the way you use your devices?

AnalogJ commented 1 year ago

SIM card Secure Enclave/storage -