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ONE - Bounty N1 : Creating generative art for ONE collection 100k USDC + 0.5% royalties #1

Open Analysoor opened 6 months ago

Analysoor commented 6 months ago

We are pleased to introduce the first ONE bounty : 100k USDC + 0.5% royalties for the creating generative art for ONE collection

The goal of the art is be blockchain and artifical inteligence inspired, each NFT should represent the block it was minted in. The art needs to be generative, you can get inspired by Art Blocks Curated, but don't copy their code, if any plagiarism is found, it will be disqualified This is not a pfp , it has to be generative using p5js, canvas or any other tool

The deadline for the submission is 15/01/2024, the winner will be picked by a vote of the holders in discord

This isn't limited to Web 3, any artist can participates as long as they follow these rules

The rules :

Let's make ONE, the best generative art collection across chains

Aggregated dataset for all blocks, link to full block data is also available on this file :

QTimort commented 5 months ago




This will be my second proposal for ONE made using p5.js named ONE_BIT. My concept revolves around using the transactions contained within the block where the NFT was minted and display each transaction in a very minimalistic and clean way.

Key Features and Goals

3 4 5 6 download 1

QTimort commented 5 months ago




This will be my third proposal for ONE made using p5.js named 0xFADED. A reference to the hexagonal shape and hexadecimal. My concept revolves around using various information about the block to tweak a recursive hexagon rendering algorithm which contains many hexagon within ONE single root hexagon. The feel is clean and modern while allowing many interesting patterns and shapes.

Key Features and Goals

1 2 3 4 5 6

QTimort commented 5 months ago




This will be my fourth proposal for ONE made using p5.js named HeapStack. A reference to how computer handles functions calls and variables while containing the idea of stack, stacking. My concept revolves around use the block transactions to generate squares that are stacked on top of each other to generate interesting square-ish patterns. The feel is more chaotic and "brutal".

Key Features and Goals

2ztb9QNZG1N96QDcFwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg 8ATWS0o0PGmqYAAAAASUVORK5CYII 9cmbKlGu0cQ5gQaeA3zXNGIK6Fefr1MVtBu46QfnpQ8QC6hs3En7YexAMb5f7tmcpFAaws9AAAAAElFTkSuQmCC gAAAABJRU5ErkJggg IkdBn8o5bj7cDzC1XYChMA98Me4tpNGVPA8tMgwl4M0rDzolvrjPeMylgrm9LJNzCN79Z3vvse4pbCDuxO5kffUOuiQAKReft9jC5lQaNhmNflUW8Z8Lhu8vCxdlr6W82m1LSxgEWbdkBwd38AtcGOuySC6loAAAAASUVORK5CYII Juf7A8v8CNfU2tJqpQV8AAAAASUVORK5CYII

QTimort commented 5 months ago




This will be my fifth proposal for ONE made using p5.js named MatrixWarp. A reference to how the Movie Matrix, the Mathematical matrix often used for computer graphics, and warp because this generative art is about warping an initially 2D plans into 3D. My concept revolves around using some block information and the number of transactions to create a tiling that is then wrapped to generate an interesting scene and feeling depth from stretched color cells.

Key Features and Goals

QTimort commented 5 months ago




This will be my Sixth proposal for ONE made using p5.js named TxVortex. A reference to how the block transactions affects the fluid simulation. My concept revolves around using a fluid simulation to display shades of color while also directing the direction and shape of the objects on the field. There can be a square, rhombus (diamond), line, triangle, or all at once which creates interesting gapes, patterns or noise.

Key Features and Goals

macovei009 commented 5 months ago

My third proposal for one. Now I won't write too many stories here, so I won't bore you but I will explain my vision really quick. \

Stained glass is a time-honored art form, often associated with religious and historical buildings and Glitch art,represent the imperfections in technology, drawing attention to the unexpected and often unpredictable nature of the digital world.When these two elements are combined as an AI representative, it suggests a bridge between the old and the new. AI, often seen as the pinnacle of modern technology, serves as a mediator between the rich traditions of the past (stained glass) and the rapidly evolving digital future (glitch art).Just as stained glass is beautiful yet fragile, and glitches are imperfections in a digital system, this concept could symbolize the beauty of imperfection and the fragility of both human and artificial systems.

The other element is 'The infinity column' made by a famous sculptor - Constantin Brancusi. This famous sculptural work by Brâncuși is a series of rhomboidal modules stacked upon each other, creating an impression of infinite ascent toward the sky. It represents the concept of infinity and the continuity of life. Blockchain technology, with its continuous growth through the addition of blocks, also represents a form of endlessness. Each block securely linked to the previous one creates an unbreakable and perpetual chain. Immutable Progression: Unchanging Nature of Coloana Infinitului: The sculpture's design, with its repetitive modules, suggests a consistent, unalterable progression.just as Blockchain is essentially an immutable ledger where once data is written, it cannot be altered or deleted, symbolizing an unchangeable record of transactions. Coloana Infinitului as a Modernist Statement: Brâncuși's work broke away from traditional art forms and embraced modernist abstraction, transcending conventional boundaries in art --> Blockchain as a Technological Leap: Similarly, blockchain technology transcends traditional financial and organizational systems, offering a decentralized and transparent approach. The glitched stained glass and the infinity column is interwined in a nicee entanglement. xD

Now what do you think?

*Created with p5js - I used Blockhash , blockhashPickedNumber and slot as the influencing blockchain data for this project

Winning1 Winning2 Winning3 Winning4

QTimort commented 5 months ago




I am pleased to present my seventh and final proposal for ONE, crafted using p5.js and titled Tapis. The name 'Tapis', which translates to 'carpet' in English, is a nod to the linear shapes and patterns that resemble intricate tilework and patterns founds on oriental carpet. This proposal represents an evolution from my previous work. Unlike earlier iterations where fluid simulations were used to generate colors and direct numerous objects, in Tapis we explore a new dimension. Here, the strength of the fluid's flow force determines the size and dynamics of curves, which gracefully trace the movement of the fluid field.

This concept is inspired by the renowned Fidenza generative art collection, yet it brings a fresh patterns that gracefully unfold along curves. This technique not only adds depth to the visual experience but also pays homage to the classic Fidenza style, reimagining it through Tapis. Only a limited number of palette are showcased to make the reveal process more mysterious and

Key Features and Goals

kevmau5 commented 5 months ago

I believe simplicity is the key. I have used blockhash,slot and blockhashpicked number to generate a not so random imagery. See below my work

One_05 One_04 One_03 One_02 One_01

goujou-o commented 5 months ago

In my submission I wanted to focus more on the art side and I wanted every NFT in the collection to look as unique and different as possible with beautiful and eye catching color palettes, for this I made a total of 7 patterns/traits . I also wanted to give representation to some of the top NFT collection on Solana blockchain, so i also made 1/1 honories for these collection. So a total of 8 traits/patterns. I have provided 3 sample images for each trait and 1 sample image for a mad lad honory below.

I have used Python and P5.js to generate this artwork. Each NFT is generated from the block hash. the Patterns and the color palette are chosen based on the block hash of the NFT to generate this artwork. I also added the block hash from which the NFT was derived from, on the top of the NFT . I have also included a flow chart in the end below for all the patterns/traits. ( for easy to read/see)























One - traits1

hotrichsol commented 5 months ago

screen-0028 one14 7 line-000073

JW-Ash commented 5 months ago

This artwork is an homage to the abstract expressionism of Wassily Kandinsky and Jackson Pollock. It captures Kandinsky's bold use of primary colors to evoke emotions and shapes, creating a sense of rhythm and balance. Over this, it layers Pollock's iconic drip-style, introducing an element of randomness and kinetic energy. The fusion of these styles results in a piece that is both methodical and spontaneous, reflecting the controlled chaos and vibrant creativity of the abstract art movement. Each iteration of this art is unique, offering a fresh perspective on the intersection of these two influential artistic styles. Each piece is distinct, reflecting the hash value's influence on the composition, color, and placement of elements, showcasing a harmonious blend of controlled randomness and artistic design.

programming language: Python

hash5 hash4 hash3 hash2 hash_1

realunknownmasow commented 5 months ago

The Block Theory | ONE collection This collection is based on three simple pillars:

  1. Maintain simple figures that can be easily recognised
  2. Color Theory, in order to enhance the sentimental value of each piece
  3. Use math sequences & numbers properties to finalise the artwork

Algorithm for art generation is written in p5js

Each painting is made of simple squares that recall the idea of blockchain and the computational power of AI.

In order to achieve a lot of variability and maintain the property of NFTs collection, which includes rarities, I have compiled a list of traits that change based on the blockchain data analysed.

In particular, below you can find an example of metadata for a specific NFT and the finalised picture.

Below you can find an example of a final NFT which respect the metadata example of above as well as 3 other different iteration of the same color to show how rarity affects the NFTs.

WhiteBlock1 WhiteBlock2 WhiteBlock3 WhiteBlock4

This last pic represents instead an example of the 9 generation with the different main colors that will be used for the collection - color palettes may undergo slight variation if selected to improve color contrasts

The Block Theory
JW-Ash commented 5 months ago

"Encoded Harmony" is a digital tapestry, weaving unique hash values into a visual symphony of color and form. Each iteration is a fresh landscape of vibrant hues and geometric motifs, echoing the complex dance of AI and blockchain. The art captures the essence of digital innovation—unpredictable yet harmonious, it's a captivating snapshot of the tech-driven world. Timeless Pixel Art.

hash1 hash2 hash3 hash4 hash5

Macstar-x commented 5 months ago

Harmony in Blocks

This art piece I created is all about blending blockchain vibes with a touch of AI. Imagine it as our visual journey into the ONE collection. What's cool is that each block you see, those circles and lines – has its own unique style and rhythm, specifically tailored to its NFT_mint address.

Design Concept:

Think of it like a playlist, but for blocks. Each one has its own beat, groove, and design that's kind of like a signature move. All based on the NFT_mint address it represents. It's like giving each block its own personality.

NFT Data Integration:

The winning_tx value? It's like the behind-the-scenes DJ that decides the color scheme and gives a little flair to each block. So, each NFT has this special code that adds a unique touch to the overall look – your digital fingerprint on the canvas.

Defi Swaps Exploration:

The vertical lines in the art below are like doors to the world of decentralized finance. Each one represents a different exchange – "orca," "jupiter," "meteora," and "raydium." It's a way to peek into the financial side of things in the blockchain world.

Borders and Boundaries:

Okay, breaking it down – the lines and circles don't stick to the usual borders. It's not a mistake; it's intentional. It's showing that your NFT isn't confined to any limits. It's a statement about the freedom and flexibility of blockchain tech.

It's like turning your NFT data block into your personalized playlist.

one-art 1 one-art 2 one-art 3 one-art 4 one-art 5

nauseousboy commented 5 months ago

Each letter, crafted from letters and numbers pulled straight from a hash code, dances and shimmers in a symphony of motion. Imagine this: This isn't just a logo. It's a living, breathing expression of your brand's individuality. Here's how this p5.js code makes it happen:

  1. Your Hash Code, Your Palette:
    • Every animation is born from a unique hash code, unlocking a limitless spectrum of color combinations.
    • No two animations are alike, ensuring each NFT stands out with a truly one-of-a-kind visual identity.
  2. Code Meets Creativity:
    • The letters and numbers from your hash code weave themselves seamlessly into the word "ONE," creating a captivating visual interplay.
    • The animation breathes life into your NFT, transforming it from a static image into an engaging, dynamic experience. The NFT that real degens always desired!

JW-Ash commented 5 months ago

This artwork embodies a digital odyssey, where each unique hash number seed blossoms into a distinct visual universe. The seeds(blockhash) guide the art's soul, crafting swirling patterns and vibrant hues, each echoing the subtle intricacies of the digital realm. The dynamism in each piece reflects the fluidity of data in motion, akin to cosmic dances or ethereal landscapes. These creations are not merely images but narratives born from the depths of algorithmic interplay, offering a glimpse into a world where technology and art coalesce, revealing the profound beauty hidden within strings of digital DNA.

hash1 hash2 hash3 hash4 hash5

glitchstroke commented 5 months ago

Hello - I am a longtime Solana artist (September 21) mostly noted for my glitchpaintings, and recently AI work. A less well known fact, is that my longstanding interest in generative art/creative coding was one of the large factors in my initial explorations into my work as glitchstroke. Similar to my more well known works, I wanted to create something striking from simple rules and strong colors. This series is an expansion on an idea that I was originally working with designed for ordinal inscriptions, with the goal to create something beautiful and unique and able to be displayed and printed at high resolution, while maintaining an extremely efficient use of code and resources to keep the individual inscription sizes as small as possible. All code is based on the P5js library, and is intended to use a single source for the main algorithm responsible for creating these images.


I have been calling this series flowscapes as I work with it and refine the design and functionality. At it's base this builds upon a very simple idea, using flow fields to drive agents on canvas that move in the style of dripping paint, to create an eye catching and unique image for every piece in the collection. The collector of each piece has some creative input over the piece, and can stop it at any point in its draw cycle to capture the image in their favorite state - but every time that the piece draws itself, the shape of the flow, and the distribution of the colors will be the exact same - unique to the onchain data points they are driven by.

Frame 6

Based on the data currently displayed when viewing the collection on a marketplace, the unique points that will differentiate each piece are slot (unique integer), blockhash_picked_number (1-9), and blockhash_direction (0 or 1) - based on these inputs, there will be light or dark backgrounds (blockhash_direction), 9 different available color palettes (blockhash_picked_number), and a wholly unique seed driving the actual shape and color layout of each piece (slot).

Frame 7

The basic behavior of this sketch, will create an image at 4096x4096 px, however, it is possible to create an output at smaller screensizes, for quicker live rendering on a display - or to create larger outputs, suitable for printing. If it would be desired by the community, it is possible to add an option to render a title block for the piece, to create a stylish poster for framing or hanging directly.

Frame 8

Simple and bold, these are intended to be artworks that withstand the test of time aesthetically, and bring their own additional value to an already unique collection. Thank you for your consideration.

apperol commented 5 months ago

Inspired by a matrix movie, this art represents the blockchain data, as it is: raw and full of mysteries. Each nft contains its own mint hash, which is carved into the blockchain in white letters. 1 2 3 4 5

bigpaperhand commented 5 months ago

Theme: ONE Diamond Author: @BigPaperHand // Twitter diamonds dd3 dd2 dd1

orkhanart commented 5 months ago

SOLARIS is a generative data sculpture representing data flow through nodes of blockchain and is based on the sequence of transactions in the block, with each new transaction giving a new direction to the data flow. Data sculpture is adorned with various views on block and transactions data and elements of the data sculpture in a generative layout.

Prototype is built in TouchDesigner using custom python glsl builder, ready to be deployed with p5/webgl.

Creators: & rybnfx

JW-Ash commented 5 months ago

This "Futuristic Tapestry" is a visually striking collection where each artwork is intricately tied to a unique hash number. These hash numbers act as digital seeds, influencing the tapestry's vivid color schemes and geometric patterns. The variation in hues and formations from one piece to another reflects the hash number's role, transforming each artwork into a distinct visual narrative. The interplay of structured patterns and bold colors captures the essence of a digital landscape, where the hash number's underlying data becomes a cornerstone of artistic expression, rendering each piece both unique and dynamically interconnected with its digital origin.

hash1 hash2 hash3 hash4 hash5

lancelotcq commented 5 months ago

Proposal 1 Planet ONE

1-min 2-min 3-min 4-min 5-min

Concept & thoughts The prevailing trend in inscriptions and SPL20 tokens deployed on the Solana blockchain highlights a lack of uniqueness. Each mint and token lacks individuality. What sets ONE apart is its distinctive mint mechanism designed to combat sniping bots, and there's no better way to convey this vision than through generative arts. Initially, each NFT shares a common setting - a planet at the center surrounded by celestial space. This serves as the canvas for the mint data of ONE, where stars and meteors are generated using the "blockhashpickednumber," scattering across the canvas. With every mint, each ONE holder possesses their own unique Planet ONE.

Proposal 2 Dynamic Flowing Sphere ONE

1 2 3 4 5

Concept & thoughts The second concept aims to transform the solid form into a fluid state, shaping patterns that flow in a circular direction. In this sense, it maintains the appearance of a sphere, with fluid elements loosely binding together through spiral movement. The patterns and variations represent the same blockchain data, ensuring that every minted ONE retains a collective outlook while remaining exclusively unique.

To ensure a fair launch and strong community consensus there is but ONE method among the millions tokens and NFT deployment :)


macovei009 commented 5 months ago

The art depends on the artist. With this thought I invite you to dive deep into my idea of ONE. When first reading the bounty description, I started thinking about the connection between AI and Blockchain and the purpose of art in all this entanglement. I started with a few sketches and I just couldn t let this idea slip. I present you the creation of ONE - inspired by the Michelangelo famous fresque , this generative art underlay the almost touch between AI and blockchain creating a new dimension of possibilities. Using the data from each and each block every piece is different, using unique color pallete and dimensions of flowkeys through generative art. All NFTs have in common the undying truth that ONE is born at the intersection of the 2 ruling powers and it’s a unique trait reserved to this Collection only.

Well, I haven't slept for 4 days and I wish I had more time to polish it but it is what it is.

The background is uniquely generated by blockhash and the colour pallete by slot. Every piece is unique and telling a story about the block it was minted in. download (33) download (30) download (31) download (32)

download (34)

DaniloCostaUX commented 5 months ago

Title: Astros astros aa4 aa3 aa2 aa1

nauseousboy commented 5 months ago

Imagine a canvas where 100 unique lines dance and spiral, each with a life of its own. The concept was to create fingerprint of each transaction and therefore make each picture unique with certain idea. Like fingerprints, each line is born from a unique hash code, ensuring no two are alike. They grow and expand, reaching out to a predetermined radius, guided by the subtle whispers of the NoiseMax function. This interplay of randomness and control creates a mesmerizing spectacle of organic growth and calculated beauty. Witness the mesmerizing symphony of lines as they emerge, stretch, and intertwine, forming a tapestry of unpredictable patterns that captivate the eye and spark the imagination.

JW-Ash commented 5 months ago

In "Digital Synthesis," each artwork emerges uniquely from a hash number, shaping its visual identity. This number subtly tweaks colors and alters patterns, crafting a distinct ambiance for each piece. Deep blues may grow richer, golds more radiant, and electric blues vary in intensity, all resonating with the hash's essence. The positioning of neural network motifs and blockchain chains shifts too, guided by the hash. This digital alchemy, where a string of characters molds artistic elements, creates a collection where each canvas tells its own story, a blend of technology and artistry, mirroring the nuanced diversity of the digital realm.

hash1 hash2 hash3 hash4 hash5

ANIBLKY commented 5 months ago

In this design, the numbers 0 and 1 transcend their simple numeric identities, embodying the enigmatic forces of time's passage and randomness. 0 symbolizes the endless loop of time, eternal and continuous, while 1 reveals the randomness and unpredictability inherent in the universe. Together, they weave a visual language that is both orderly and full of surprises, painting a world that is as certain as it is uncertain. The variation and placement of each element is not just a play of numbers but a dance of time and chance, provoking deep reflection. 17271705363262_ pic_hd 17281705363265_ pic_hd