Open erincschwartz opened 1 week ago
@erincschwartz Just about done, but are research mw and home mw supposed to have the same variables?
Yes, research and home mouthwash have the same variable, the setting indicates the difference
Ok, in that case I just can't make two separate rules because the logic would be the same.
When I tested these rules I'm getting hundreds, if not thousands of errors. There has to be more conditionality added to it. I added that the specimen has to be collected (BioFin_BaseBloodCol_v1r0/BioFin_BaseurineCol_v1r0/BioFin_BaseMouthCol_v1r0 = yes), but anything else that should be added? Finalized? Any delays?
The issue may be coming due to the difference in date/time variable for research vs. clinical. We will discuss on a call. Finalization status and delays should not be factors.
Hmm these updates helped for some of the rules, but some are still have a huge number of errors:
If BioFin_BaseBloodCol_v1r0= yes, and BioSpm_BloodSettingBL_v1r0= Clinical, then BioClin_ClinBloodTmBL_v1r0 must be populated. If BioFin_BaseUrineCol_v1r0= yes, and BioSpm_UrineSettingBL_v1r0= Clinical, then BioClin_ClinicalUrnTmBL_v1r0 must be populated.
Add check for consistency, if any of the three variables are populated for each specimen type (blood, urine, mouthwash), then all should be populated:
Research Blood: If BioFin_BaseBloodCol_v1r0= yes, and BioSpm_BloodSettingBL_v1r0= Research, then BioFin_ResearchBldTmBL_v1r0 must be populated If BioSpm_BloodSettingBL_v1r0 is populated, then BioFin_BaseBloodCol_v1r0= yes If BioFin_BaseBloodCol_v1r0= yes, then BioSpm_BloodSettingBL_v1r0 must be populated If BioFin_ResearchBldTmBL_v1r0 is populated, then BioSpm_BloodSettingBL_v1r0 must be Research and BioFin_BaseBloodCol_v1r0 must be yes
Research Urine: BioFin_BaseUrineCol_v1r0, BioSpm_UrineSettingBL_v1r0, BioFin_ResearchUrnTmBL_v1r0 Research Mouthwash: BioFin_BaseMouthCol_v1r0, BioSpm_MWSettingBL_v1r0, BioFin_BMTimeBL_v1r0 Clincial Blood: BioFin_BaseBloodCol_v1r0, BioSpm_BloodSettingBL_v1r0, BioClin_ClinBloodTmBL_v1r0 Clincal Urine: BioFin_BaseUrineCol_v1r0, BioSpm_UrineSettingBL_v1r0, BioClin_ClinicalUrnTmBL_v1r0 Home Mouthwash: BioFin_BaseMouthCol_v1r0, BioSpm_MWSettingBL_v1r0, BioFin_BMTimeBL_v1r0