Please add the following rules to the Biospecimen QAQC report:
[ ] Rule 1:
Label: Clinical DB Urine RRL received
qc_test: crossValid1
Description: If BioClin_DBUrineRRL_v1r0 = 1 then BioClin_AnyBldUrineRec_v1r0 = 1
If [d_173836415_d_266600170_d_210921343] is [353358909],
then [d_173836415_d_266600170_d_156605577] must be [353358909]
[ ] Rule 2:
Label: Baseline blood order placed or baseline urine order placed [Yes]
qc_test: crossValid2
Description: If Baseline blood order placed or baseline urine order placed (BioClin_BldOrUrnPlaced_v1r0 ) and blood order placed (BioClin_BldOrderPlaced_v1r0), then Urine order (BioClin_UrnOrderPlaced_v1r0) must be placed
If [d_173836415_d_266600170_d_530173840] is [353358909]
and [d_173836415_d_266600170_d_860477844] is [353358909],
then [d_173836415_d_266600170_d_880794013] must be [353358909]
@KELSEYDOWLING7_example, @jacobmpeters_example
Please add the following rules to the Biospecimen QAQC report: