Anaminus / roblox-bug-tracker

Formerly an unofficial bug tracker for Roblox.
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Remove enhancement tag #715

Closed Anaminus closed 8 years ago

Anaminus commented 8 years ago

It has been suggested that enhancements do not fit the format of this tracker, which is primarily related to bugs. I can agree, but I'm open for comments for/against the disallowing of feature requests.

Enhancements vs Bugs

An issue can be considered an enhancement if:

However, an enhancement can be considered a bug if:

The following open issues have the enhancement tag. If you think there are issues that can be reclassified as bugs, then make a comment stating how they should be changed/reworded.

TheSneak commented 8 years ago

I am for allowing feature requests here. I see nothing about the format of this tracker that would preclude the inclusion of enhancements. I'm unaware of any legitimate issue tracker that excludes enhancements and focuses solely on bugs.

There are precious few resources available to ROBLOX users to communicate effectively with the developers. Let's not hobble this one.

chc4 commented 8 years ago

I'm in favor of allowing small-scale feature requests and enhancements to current features, or for new features that are small in scope. It makes sense that they would be logged here for posterity and to gauge feedback on the requests. A feature request of "add xyz to the script editor pane" is in some sense a bug, where it's missing a key feature that should be implemented to complete the editor.

Outrageous requests or items of questionable use, though, don't really belong here, but I haven't seen that many issues like that being opened.

DeveloperBlue commented 8 years ago

708 can be considered a 'bug' in terms of 'it addresses a missing part of a feature that makes the feature problematic, or causes the the feature to be "incomplete".

Can you imagine publishing your complete game or alpha out onto a place slot you left un-copy locked a year ago? Owch.

Feralidragon commented 8 years ago

694 is pretty much a bug as well, considering that by not selecting the dedicated card by default many of the modern features simply do not work at all (neon material does not glow, smooth terrain water reflective and refractive effect doesn't work, etc).

I labelled as "enhancement" back then because if the integrated card is all a machine has, then those features might never work anyway and its current behavior is the correct one, but then again at the same time if the machine has the right hardware then Roblox should use it (just like all modern game engines) making it also a bug.

CoffeeFlux commented 8 years ago

Most of the enhancements I see on here strike me as reasonable, and this is really the best forum for that kind of thing. I see no reason to unnecessarily cripple our ability to suggest small changes.

DeveloperBlue commented 8 years ago

Have we come to a consensus on posting about enhancements?

Anaminus commented 8 years ago

I'm going to keep enhancements.