Anamorphosee / stacktrace-decoroutinator

Small lib for recovering stack trace in exceptions thrown in Kotlin coroutines
Apache License 2.0
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Jacoco interference #18

Closed p4654545 closed 1 year ago

p4654545 commented 1 year ago

When using Jacoco, methods are instrumented to call $jacocoInit first. As a consequence the first instructions of suspend methods are not ALOAD (25) and INSTANCEOF (193) anymore. The method MethodNode.getDebugMetadataInfo() in classTransformer.kt assumes this.

The following code searches for two consecutive ALOAD/INSTANCEOF instructions with the same conditions as previously. It replaces the second part of the body starting with "val firstInstructions: ".

return instructions.asSequence().filter {
        val next =
        it is VarInsnNode && it.opcode == Opcodes.ALOAD && it.`var` == continuationIndex
                && next != null && next is TypeInsnNode && next.opcode == Opcodes.INSTANCEOF
        .firstOrNull()?.let {
            val continuationClassName = ( as TypeInsnNode).desc.replace('/', '.')
Anamorphosee commented 1 year ago

@p4654545 May be you could make a PR?

p4654545 commented 1 year ago


Anamorphosee commented 1 year ago

Thanks. Fix was released in 2.3.5