AnantharamanLab / VIBRANT

Virus Identification By iteRative ANnoTation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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VIBRANT error: could not identify VIBRANT_categories.tsv in files directory. #86

Open AndAvia opened 7 months ago

AndAvia commented 7 months ago

First of all, thank you for creating such a great software, I used bioconda installation and successfully ran the code: python -test and saw: VIBRANT v1.2.1 is good to go! See example_data/ for quick test files. But when I run python3 -i example_data/mixed_example.fasta -folder ~/result -d ~/miniconda3/envs/databases, VIBRANT_log_run_mixed _example.log log with the following error VIBRANT error: could not identify VIBRANT_categories.tsv in files directory. however I am sure I have the file in my database. However, I am sure I have the file in my database and chmod 777 changed the permissions. Looking forward to your answers to the questions.

AndAvia commented 7 months ago

Resolved and running successfully

0522keyi commented 7 months ago

Resolved and running successfully

Excuse me, can I ask you how you solved this problem?

AndAvia commented 7 months ago

Resolved and running successfully

Excuse me, can I ask you how you solved this problem? From Copy the files folder, the scripts folder, the file, and the file from the downloaded zip to your database, and when you encounter a "license denied" during the run, feel free to sudo chmod -R 777 filename

0522keyi commented 7 months ago

Resolved and running successfully

Excuse me, can I ask you how you solved this problem? From Copy the files folder, the scripts folder, the file, and the file from the downloaded zip to your database, and when you encounter a "license denied" during the run, feel free to sudo chmod -R 777 filename

Thank you very much for your answer! I've been able to run my tasks.