AnantharamanLab / VIBRANT

Virus Identification By iteRative ANnoTation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Contig with no annotation result but still be identified as virus #93

Open quliping opened 2 months ago

quliping commented 2 months ago

Hello, VIBRANT is a good software and very usefull in my work. I know VIBRANT identify virus based on a annotation method. However, I found many potential virus identified by VIBRANT have no annotation information. How are they recognized as viruses? For example, the contig 'GT1_16407' only have 4 hypothetical proteins but still be assgined as a virus. By the way, I noticed that the database version used by VIBRANT is very old, is there any plan to update the database of VIBRANT? Or how to update the database by ourself?




Liping Qu

ZihengWu commented 2 days ago

Hello Liping, long time no see.

To provide you with information, I’ve tried updating the databases myself to input VIBRANT. Specifically, I updated the VOG database from v94 to v224, the KEGG database to the version of 2024-04-01, and the Pfam database to v37. Upon comparing the results before and after updating the databases, I noticed a significant difference in virus annotation: the number of contigs identified as viruses decreased.

I’m also curious to know if the esteemed authors have plans to update the databases and if the results of such updates can be equally reliable.

Best wishes. Ziheng Wu