AnantharamanLab / vRhyme

Binning Virus Genomes from Metagenomes
GNU General Public License v3.0
55 stars 9 forks source link

Release versions format #9

Closed jayramr closed 1 year ago

jayramr commented 2 years ago


Could you generate package releases as per the version number on github, so we can download as per specific versions

Please refer. ->

Thanks Jay

rpetit3 commented 1 year ago

Hi @KrisKieft

I'm working with @jayramr to make vRhyme available on Bioconda. @jayramr has done most of the legwork here:

Was hoping we could get your help creating a versioned release to use for the Bioconda recipe. Once vRhyme is added to Bioconda, it'll also be made available as a Docker container from Biocontainers, and as a Singularity image from the Galaxy Project. The Bioconda bot will also recognize future releases and automatically update the recipe.

Let us know if we can help in any way! Robert

KrisKieft commented 1 year ago


Thanks for getting this up on bioconda. I have updated the most recent version as a release.


rpetit3 commented 1 year ago

Awesome! Thank you very much! We'll get this added to bioconda

rpetit3 commented 1 year ago

This has been merged in to Bioconda now. Thanks again for creating the release @KrisKieft