Ananto30 / golpo-express

Backend of the Social Network - Golpo
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Convert express app to fastify #38

Open Ananto30 opened 2 years ago

Ananto30 commented 2 years ago


We want simple configuration and fast response. SO LET'S DO IT 🚀

tuanthanh2067 commented 2 years ago

Hello there, may I take on issue? I wanted to try new this one although I've never got a chance to do fastify before so it may take some time.

Ananto30 commented 2 years ago

Sure @tuanthanh2067 Indeed it is kind of a big task, though everything is modularized it would be a bit easier than other apps 😉

Yet some things to take note of -

Best of luck! 👍 Please question me for anything.

tuanthanh2067 commented 2 years ago


tuanthanh2067 commented 2 years ago

Hello @Ananto30, I'm sorry but I don't have enough time to finish it. I'll unassign myself to give it to someone else

ayeolakenny commented 2 years ago

Hello @Ananto30 so where is golpo going, im sure its more than just an hacktoberfest project, any plans cause i think its going somewhere.

Ananto30 commented 2 years ago

@ayeolakenny thanks for your interest. Let me tell you the story behind Golpo.

Golpo is actually a Bengali word that means "story". I made the first version of Golpo in my senior years at University. That was built with raw PHP and js. Then I rebuilt it Nodejs and Ejs after a year probably. Then again I changed the frontend Ejs with React a few years back. And now this version with Express and Svelte. In every rebuild, I learned more and the evolution of a software/web app. This is actually a side purpose.

The main purpose of Golpo was to share one's story. We have things we can say, and things we cannot say to people. The initial idea was to share every story of oneself where people cannot react, cause our happiness sometimes derives from the loves/likes we get in our post. Then I realized it's hard to work with text posts, why? People can use slang and hate speech, so recently I have thought of the idea to share only links where we can filter out the unnecessary links like adult content or spam. Yet I dream of making Golpo as a social network where people can express their thoughts without being bullied or hated. I have a plan to bring text posts back but with some NLP to decide if that's hate speech or anything wrong. Like the current comment system should go through the same. There are lots of plans actually, maybe I will list them in Notion and share them with the community.

But all of this is done as an open-source platform. So the time I spent in Golpo is actually enormous. I have started using Wakatime this year and I can see how much time I spent on building this idea. So this is the first year for me to actually get some good open-source contributors like you. Thanks for being so awesome and believing 🙏

And if we want to make Golpo an ad-free platform, we need donations and crowdfunding. We will go there together, but before that people should come to Golpo to feel safe and share their stories.

ayeolakenny commented 2 years ago

Wow a really lot of iterations, Nice idea, wish I knew svelte though, I'm more into react, moreover I shared the app with few of my friends they felt that the link sharing feature as the main feature was not really Interesting, one also complained that there is no signup form, Google is the only way 😂.

I really like the idea, ill really love to jump into this with you if you don't mind, probably try get Nigerian based users also (still in college).

Ananto30 commented 2 years ago

Awesome! I really appreciate your interest. Thanks @ayeolakenny 🙏 And yes you are very welcome to jump in! 🙌

I think the next plan is to incorporate all our new features in frontend. I am still not happy with the frontend design. I am really new to UI/UX. And you know CSS 😝

After that, we will jump to let people post text, in that case, I have planned to introduce a naive text analyzer for sentiment analysis. And also let people maintain journal/collection. Like the bookmarks will be helpful for that.

Btw why Svelte? It's fast and simple. Really easy to understand and I just love SvelteKit. The ultimate plan is to move to SvelteKit when it will become stable. SvelteKit is the future I see, it offers all, SPA, MPA, SSR, SEO, what not! And all in a very simple syntax, less magic. Anyways enough Svelting 😄

I am kind of busy with my official tasks. In my free time, I will jump to the frontend. Then we will continue this backend. In the meantime, if anyone could convert it to fastify that would be great. But I am also thinking of Vercel. As we have some real-time features like chat and notification, I cannot still make my mind up to move to serverless. Though the real-time features can be moved to another server. But I haven't got enough to think all of.

ayeolakenny commented 2 years ago

Alright @Ananto30 I'll look into svelte and fastify. Probably you could write down all the tasks in detailed format, and I'll get on them ASAP, thanks for the opportunity, have a nice day. Talk later