Anarios / return-youtube-dislike

Chrome extension to return youtube dislikes
GNU General Public License v3.0
12.32k stars 544 forks source link

Allow users/creators to confirm dislike count via OAuth (Heavily requested feature) #1057

Open SpareLeader opened 3 weeks ago

SpareLeader commented 3 weeks ago

Extension or Userscript?


Request or suggest a new feature!


As the title suggests, i would like to request that the creators be allowed to share actual dislike data with the extension.

The FAQ on the RYD website states that the users can share their dislike count in an unspecified time in the future, but they never have, and there is no sign that this is in the works.

It has been more than 2 and a half years since the extension's initial commit on Github, and during that time, many users have requested that creators be able to share the dislike count with the extension, or at least show how many users have liked or disliked. Each time, the conversation died out, no approval, no rejection, just silence.

Ways to implement this!

As suggested, we can receive the data via OAuth, or some third-party API. We can even tell users to create or find an exempted API token and plug it into their extension.

Also, if we find a way to show the actual dislikes, we can show a warning symbol telling users that the count is estimated.

Can you work on this?

Will you be available for follow-up questions to help developers implement this?


jpa102 commented 2 weeks ago

it seems like they were heavily debating about it before because a maicious actor can just modify and sabotage the actual dislike counts on their end and other stuff

i got impatient so i ended up posting the dislike counts myself by json files in a repository i made (and also put the like and dislike counts on every video description)

hoping the devs see this. i was wishing for this feature to exist