AnarkisGaming / ATC-Feedback

Public bug reports and feature requests for our game, After The Collapse.
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incapacitated wounded and people with blood loss still not prioritized? #106

Open IvanBajlo opened 2 years ago

IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago

IIRC this is an old one but after combat incapacitated and blood loss don't get top priorities and walking wounded can steal all available beds at hospital if combat was brutal (my settlement of barely 15 with few weapons got attacked by bunch of soldiers and everyone ended up as swiss cheese :-p )

also patients with non-life threatening conditions like to hog beds until fully healed (walking wounded back to front! ;-) )

this all causes paradox with if there are to many beds everyone ends up in one and nobody does the actual healing but if there aren't enough beds critical patients can get left behind

so maybe treat hospital as triage area? sort of like MASH facility, only people with very low health like 10-20, blood loss, poising etc. should stay until cured and health 10-20+, while everyone else goes to their own bed unless there is plenty of empty hospital beds i.e. capacity used below 50%?
