AnarkisGaming / ATC-Feedback

Public bug reports and feature requests for our game, After The Collapse.
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Presets for job and cattle manager #11

Closed IvanBajlo closed 2 years ago

IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago

I know its on TO DO list already but it never hurts to add it to few more TO DO lists ;-)

SerialKicked commented 2 years ago

It's already in the 0.8.6 "Done" list :) (only apply to new games, because the game can't guess if you haven't set anything on purpose or not)

IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago

It's already in the 0.8.6 "Done" list :) (only apply to new games, because the game can't guess if you haven't set anything on purpose or not)

are you sure we are talking about the same thing because I don't see it anywhere?

IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago

I see now cattle has been fixed but we still have jobs which are pain in the a*** to set up each time...

SerialKicked commented 2 years ago

jobs are setup properly. each animal species gets the first job for that species, set on repeat forever, by default. yQZhuTEXCf