AnarkisGaming / ATC-Feedback

Public bug reports and feature requests for our game, After The Collapse.
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Traders: Animal purchase #143

Open SerialKicked opened 1 year ago

SerialKicked commented 1 year ago

"Technically, you need to sell burgers, not sheep, presently. I could add an animal "buyer" to the trader pool, or have one of the factions with this option, using the same system as with the slave traders. The item -> agent system is only a one-way process. Not super urgent, but I'll keep the idea in mind. "

Priority: low.

IvanBajlo commented 1 year ago

how about that trading post/building that keeps getting delayed used as one big trading hub...

this can also include animals and prisoners... and once this has been set a generic trader (with which player can't interact) will arrive and sell random amount of items wanted and also buy random amount of the items being sold?

specialized traders still arrive and they have better prices when selling and buying certain items but this way trade get partially automated...

p.s. also ability to place storage next to trader post/building ;-)

p.s.s. or create one big trading hub in the center of the map player can visit and do the same 👍