AnarkisGaming / ATC-Feedback

Public bug reports and feature requests for our game, After The Collapse.
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Base revealed despite still being underground? #17

Closed IvanBajlo closed 2 years ago

IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago

I got recruits events thinking I was still hidden... btw recruit all button could be useful...


did my stairs to level 3 cause this? also some kind of a warning that base has been revealed might be nice ;-)

SerialKicked commented 2 years ago

I thought i fixed the stair thing. Welp, one more to the list. Good job! And, yes, a warning would indeed be nice

IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago

unfortunately no save game before being revealed...


SerialKicked commented 2 years ago

Fixed. Loading a savegame was resetting surface access.