AnarkisGaming / ATC-Feedback

Public bug reports and feature requests for our game, After The Collapse.
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prisoner trader for mutants makes little sense? #66

Closed IvanBajlo closed 2 years ago

IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago
  1. very expensive meat ;-)

  2. I'm guessing there is nothing preventing player from recruiting them which just causes headaches (plus possible bugs) unless they are cannibals


IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago

yep... managed to recruit a human and if I attempt to click it on the name doesn't work only for mutants


SerialKicked commented 2 years ago

Slave traders are here for a good reason :p

(also it's not that expensive as you are literally swimming in money in this scenario given that all the expensive items are worthless to you and can be sold for profit).