AnarkisGaming / ATC-Feedback

Public bug reports and feature requests for our game, After The Collapse.
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mountains no longer drop resources? #71

Closed IvanBajlo closed 2 years ago

IvanBajlo commented 2 years ago

no more gold, metal, clay blocks, coal etc.

SerialKicked commented 2 years ago

They should (and do in my save, but haven't looked in a new game yet), will have a look to see what's up

SerialKicked commented 2 years ago

Ok, that one was quite esoteric and only happens under some conditions, but I found out why. I'll get that fixed in Friday patch.

It's pretty much set after generating a map, so, in the meantime, I don't think it would continue to happen in a current save if you just quit/launch the game again. Not 100% sure.