AndBible / and-bible

AndBible: Bible Study
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Interlinear Bible support #2246

Open timbze opened 1 year ago

timbze commented 1 year ago

AndBible is not able to handle Interlinear Bibles. On this point AndBible is missing a lot: Today there are available so many Interlinear Tools! If you look at MySword you'll see how many interlinear Bibles and Grammar tools are available, for Greek and Hebrew, and for several languages. As far as I know, except MySword, there's no other Bible App handling interlinears. MySword app is no longer available on Google Play, and its installation is more complicated for the users.

Similar issue: #686

Other note: I'm not sure if Swordlib or Jsword even have support for interlinear, or how that would work.

tuomas2 commented 1 year ago

Apart from special interlinear modules (Ben's module and BIBdraft) there's no special support in JSword. I am not aware how interlinears in other apps look like, or how modules are constructed. Perhaps we could take a look at some point. Feel free to post screenshots if you have a better clue about this.

uniqueid001 commented 1 year ago

I posted two screenshots from Blue Letter Bible here:

mciuca commented 1 year ago

Hi, thank you all for the AndBible app :) Timmy created this issue (BTW, thanks!), because I’ve sent an email on that to your support. To add a bit more on the Interlinear topic.

I’m an intensive user of e-Bible apps and tools (but only the free ones); 80% of my usage is for interlinear bibles and tools. I use Android, Windows and Linux tools. I am a Bible translator (from Greek to Romanian); for several years now I’ve been working on an interlinear translation of the whole Bible (working in progress). So I use e-tools for my translation work. The apps I use are, daily usage:

  1. MyBible and MySword, both on the 1st position
  2. TheWord (only) for Windows (; this handles interlinear bibles; it’s a free app
  3. eBiblia which is a Romanian fantastic app (eBiblia on Google Play)
  4. StudyBible (AndBible)

MySword handles interlinears; it uses the syntax introduced by TheWord Windows Software; a Bible module created for TheWord can be handled also by MySword; in case you don't know the TheWord syntax, I’ll present briefly here. A Bible file is a text file containing 31102 lines, one for each verse of the Bible (supposing KJV standard); so, one verse by row: the pure verse, without any other extra information; for ex, the last verse of the Bible, Rev 22:21:

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all the saints. Amen.

If you want to highlight that the verb “be” doesn’t appear in the Greek, but was added, you want to display it in in italic The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ <FI>be<Fi> with all the saints. Amen. which is displayed with 'be' in italic: kjv

Going straightforward, if you want a interlinear specification, the same verse is: <Q><wg>η<WG3588><E> The<e><q> <Q><wg>χάρις<WG5484><E> grace<e><q> <Q><wg>του<WG3588><q> <Q><wg>κυρίου ημών<WG2962><WG1473><E> of our Lord<e><q> <Q><wg>Ιησού<WG*><E> Jesus<e><q> <Q><wg>χριστού<WG5547><E> Christ<e><q> <Q><wg>μετά<WG3326><E> <FI>be<Fi> with<e><q> <Q><wg>πάντων<WG3956><E> all<e><q> <Q><wg>των<WG3588><E> the<e><q> <Q><wg>αγίων<WG39><E> saints.<e><q> <Q><wg>αμήν<WG281><E> Amen.<e><q> which is displayed in interlinear format: inter

Now if you tap on the 2nd Strong word, G5484 (corresponding to the Greek word χάρις), you'll get the entry key in the dictionary: strong

Displaying 3 lines in interlinear means you're able to display much more; look at the same verse in a more technical bible: ognt

Hebrew is also a must, the last verse in the OT, Mal 4:22: mal_4_6

The 2nd Epistle of John has only 13 verses, so I attach it here 2John_Interlinear.txt

Once again, Thank you all for your hard work ! Good job! Marian