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Bible book chooser improvements #332

Open tuomas2 opened 5 years ago

tuomas2 commented 5 years ago


tuomas2 commented 5 years ago

There was typo in commit msg.. (4a8771c)

tuomas2 commented 5 years ago

From darryl:

Please consider indicating the current book, in the Book Selector, in INVERSE colours. Eg: when Matthew (usually Orange text on black gradient) becomes current, then it should be Black text on Orange background; Romans would be Black text on yellow background (when current); etc.

tuomas2 commented 4 years ago

User via Google play:

I love this bible so much, although I will shoot you mails, I am having problems with the choose book interface. Could you give us options? Maybe the old testament scrollable on one side and the new testament scrollable on the other. Then without the colours, just on a transparent white background to ease quick recognition?

Screwtapello commented 3 years ago

Currently, the Bible book chooser shows the abbreviation for each book (Job, Joe, Joh, Jon, etc.) and when you press a particular button, a tooltip appears above the button so you can see which button is obscured by your finger.

This is great, but I think it would be even better if the tooltip showed the long name of the book, as confirmation I'm pressing the correct button. I understand the buttons themselves have to show the abbreviation due to space constraints, but the tooltip can take much more space, and some of those abbreviations are confusingly terse.

cmahte commented 3 years ago

Including both the interface abbreviation and a title from within the text currently displayed adds value beyond "new christian."

Abbr (TITLE in the Current work) would be perfect. not only display the available interface translation of the abbr, but a title in the language of the text currently displayed. So not just a 'newbie' feature. And for folks like me... helps to confirm the physical book i'm comparing a digital reference to... that I've interpreted the header text on the physical page correctly in choosing my lookup.

As opposed to having to look in chapter 1 first for the language of the title match...

If this opens up for edit.... just a thought.

timbze commented 3 years ago

From someone with sight impairment:

I have found another difficulty – the abbreviation of the books in small writing in a 'multi-button' layout. Can they be rearranged in two columns in bigger writing please?? – again a light / lime green background with bold text would be fabulous.

onomou commented 3 years ago

Currently, the Bible book chooser shows the abbreviation for each book (Job, Joe, Joh, Jon, etc.) and when you press a particular button, a tooltip appears above the button so you can see which button is obscured by your finger.

This is great, but I think it would be even better if the tooltip showed the long name of the book, as confirmation I'm pressing the correct button. I understand the buttons themselves have to show the abbreviation due to space constraints, but the tooltip can take much more space, and some of those abbreviations are confusingly terse.

Showing the full name of the book would mean a new Christian has one less thing they need to memorise in order to find their way around the Bible.

I was just trying my hand at understanding how the code is put together and made a patch to show the full name of the book. If it is useful and done properly, I would love to have it pulled in. The original issue's screenshot would be the best book/chapter selector IMO, but this at least patches up the current view a bit.

agrogers commented 3 years ago

I like the current selector - it seems almost as efficient as it can be - and it is definitely better with books going across not down. But sometimes efficiency requires more mental power than something that is easier on the brain but a little slower - like Windows verse Linux perhaps :) Certainly something to look at. But

I suggest we delay this one to after v3.4 release

tuomas2 commented 3 years ago

I have prepared strings (chooser_*) for the optional new selector so it can be implemented.

agrogers commented 2 years ago

From darryl:

Please consider indicating the current book, in the Book Selector, in INVERSE colours. Eg: when Matthew (usually Orange text on black gradient) becomes current, then it should be Black text on Orange background; Romans would be Black text on yellow background (when current); etc.

This is done now, Darryl. Not sure when it will get into a release though. See

agrogers commented 2 years ago


Currently, the Bible book chooser shows the abbreviation for each book (Job, Joe, Joh, Jon, etc.) and when you press a particular button, a tooltip appears above the button so you can see which button is obscured by your finger.

If you hold down the button the fullname pops up. I never use it but it is kind of cool.

onomou commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that newer version of AndBible show the full book name when you hold down the button. Thanks.

agrogers commented 2 years ago

Currently, the Bible book chooser shows the abbreviation for each book (Job, Joe, Joh, Jon, etc.) and when you press a particular button, a tooltip appears above the button so you can see which button is obscured by your finger.

This is great, but I think it would be even better if the tooltip showed the long name of the book, as confirmation I'm pressing the correct button. I understand the buttons themselves have to show the abbreviation due to space constraints, but the tooltip can take much more space, and some of those abbreviations are confusingly terse.

I have added this functionality now. You can see what it looks like here: