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Flexible morphology search #675

Open tuomas2 opened 4 years ago

tuomas2 commented 4 years ago

Collected info from emails:

Please consider adding (1) searchable parsing tags for the Hebrew Bible and the Greek New Testament. (2) actual hits for the search criteria (not only verses where the target exist).

Each word in Greek (or Hebrew) has a tag (in the morphological database or dictionary).

I have some screenshots to illustrate.

  1. The key word
  2. Five panels to show you what the potential is and where things are in the app

The goal is to search the text (Greek or Hebrew) for the particular form of the word. In this case sesosmenoi σεσωσμενοι (saved)

Beyond finding the ROOT words is grammatical information (parsing info). This kind of info defines the word more precisely as

  1. Part of speech (verb, adverb, noun, adjective etc.) 2 the particulars of the part of speech (number, gender, case etc.)
  2. [for verbs] tense, mood, and voice

This kind of data gives the reader the difference between "he said" and "he kept saying", the difference between "stop worrying" and "never worry". The attachments show the word for worry in two different verses. While it is the same Greek word for "worry" you can see that the forms are different. That difference is what grammatical parsing tags help us to find, and that is what guides accurate interpretation of the texts.

It would be really great if you could hook it up.

I am suggesting grammatical searches that will find (for example):

Lemma/noLemma tense person number λέγω present 3 plural

Would find all instances of "they are speaking"

Also, see

timbze commented 3 years ago

I think the info is already in the modules (at least KJV), so would just need to hook up the search. I think the letters v-fai-1p, v-2api-3s, etc is the info of what needs to be searchable. Also see

Edit: And Bible also has morph tags (for Greek as of now)