Andavin / Images

A custom image loading plugin for Spigot.
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update to minecraft 1.18 #30

Closed KeyboardKobold closed 2 years ago

KeyboardKobold commented 2 years ago

Updated to work with Minecraft 1.18

cross commented 2 years ago

Thank you! Looking forward to getting this on my 1.18 server, please merge when possible.

KeyboardKobold commented 2 years ago

While running this on Paper 1.18 build 25 I get this error

Was Paper supported in the previous version? I can't really comment on your issue, there was only really one line of real java code that was changed by me, not sure where your class loading error is coming from.

On our Spigot 1.18 Server it's running fine, our players are using it without hiccups.

cross commented 2 years ago

I tried to build from your fork, @KeyboardKobold , but maven is having none of it. Only 1.8 builds, rest fail. I'm not sure what the "Ensure that you have the project setup properly with Maven" means. Let me know if you have a discussion somewhere, I didn't see that I could open a discussion or issue on your fork.....

PabloGirol commented 2 years ago

Same issue, it cant resolve dependencies due to every jar except 1.8 from spigot was deleted now only spigot-api exists. even trying with another repo containing them fails

cross commented 2 years ago

@PabloGirol I got it working, I used <url></url> for the spigotmc-repo, and had to only comment out Images-v1_16_R3 from two places since that repo had all but 1.16.5. That got me built. FYI

PabloGirol commented 2 years ago

@PabloGirol I got it working, I used <url></url> for the spigotmc-repo, and had to only comment out Images-v1_16_R3 from two places since that repo had all but 1.16.5. That got me built. FYI

Well I didn't even had to comment that, I got a successful build, thank you!

StrixTyphoon commented 2 years ago

I'm having some problems compiling this code I'm kinda new to all this and just shoved all the things I learned from beginners guides to maven and I keep getting the same error spat out at me even after doing the same thing that @cross did to get their build to work (being new I ultimately could've just made a mistake in my code)

I have no idea what it means so I'm hoping someone can help me out

Log file:

All the changes i made should be on this fork:

TrueMB commented 2 years ago

Here is the zip File for people, who want the plugin.

MegaMinecraft commented 2 years ago

I got errors all over the place with this version (on git-Paper-73 (MC: 1.18.1) (Implementing API version 1.18.1-R0.1-SNAPSHOT) (Git: df1301b)). Andavin seems active, but not on this plugin. I'm not able to continue it. Maybe someone should take over, we cannot continue developent in a PR thread.

[12:46:39 WARN]: Plugin Images v2.2.4 generated an exception while executing task 9108025 java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.Integer cannot be cast to class (java.lang.Integer is in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap'; is in unnamed module of loader @5c29bfd) at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-73] at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-73] at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-73] at com.andavin.images.v1_18_R1.MapHelper.createMap( ~[?:?] at com.andavin.images.MapHelper.createMap( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?] at com.andavin.images.image.CustomImage.refresh( ~[?:?] at com.andavin.images.Images.refreshImages( ~[?:?] at com.andavin.images.Images.lambda$onMove$9( ~[?:?] at ~[paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-73] at [paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-73] at [paper-1.18.1.jar:git-Paper-73] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( [?:?] at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ [?:?] at [?:?]

Andavin commented 2 years ago

Hey there! I appreciate the pull request this is quite helpful. It looks pretty good and there's only a couple of things missed (e.g. the cause of the above error). I'm going to merge it in and fix those up; thank you for the help.