Andavin / Images

A custom image loading plugin for Spigot.
65 stars 29 forks source link

How to keep the aspect ratio? #32

Open nishio opened 2 years ago

nishio commented 2 years ago

Thanks for making a great plugin. I'm building a sort of museum by pasting diagrams from my books into my minecraft world. I think this plugin has great potential.

Is there a way to keep the aspect ratio in this plugin? Other than resizing the original image beforehand. It seems to me that this plugin would be much better.

Andavin commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately, at the moment it does a resize on the image to fit the 128x128 block sizes. In a future release I could add a configuration setting that would allow it to simply leave blank space around the edges or maybe just have that by default with the invisible frames.

I'll mark it so that I don't forget to add this later