Andavin / Images

A custom image loading plugin for Spigot.
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Suggestion: API & onCustomImageInteractEvent & Image Names #62

Open RandomTomato opened 1 year ago

RandomTomato commented 1 year ago

Hello, My suggestion is to add a basic API implementation, an CustomImageInteractEvent & Image Names that players can utilize. This is so players can listen to player interaction with loaded images in a official way rather having to use unofficial packet listening. (Below is an example of why the CustomImageInteractEvent would be so useful)

Example Event Code:

    public void onCustomImageInteract(CustomImageInteractEvent event) {
        if (event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK) {
            CustomImage image = CustomImage.get(event.getEntityId()); // I am not too familiar with your get method but this is a substitute
            if (image.getName().equals("Quest Board")) { // If the name of the image is Quest Board
                // Do things here
                // In my case would be open the quest board

In my case, this would allow me to detect when players click on my quest board on my server (which can be seen below)

Quest Board:

alt text

Let me know what you think of these suggestions and I could possibly help with adding these if needed!

Thanks RandomTomato