AnderWeb / discreteSeekBar

Apache License 2.0
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Apply default style and attr in more convinient-for-framework way #31

Closed almozavr closed 9 years ago

almozavr commented 9 years ago

Mostly name refactoring to have nice Widget.* like theme styles

AnderWeb commented 9 years ago

Do we need the styleable name="Theme" for anything? It's not used and it could cause issues with apps cause of that name ("theme"). It works putting just attr name="discreteSeekBarStyle" format="reference" outside the styleable tag.

almozavr commented 9 years ago

it's a convenient way to provide stylable ref across theme, and as a bonus, your AndroidStudio xml editor won't complain anymore about not found stylable ref after adding it to theme. The same approach:

almozavr commented 9 years ago

Also, I doubt there would be any problem 'cause of theme stylable name-wrapper.