AnderWeb / discreteSeekBar

Apache License 2.0
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Adds plugin and details to upload to JCenter via bintray #6

Closed blundell closed 9 years ago

blundell commented 9 years ago

Uses this plugin to make the library releaseable to JCenter().

(after bintray website setup) You can release with this command:

./gradlew clean build bintrayUpload -PdryRun=false -PbintrayUser=BINTRAY_USERNAME -PbintrayKey=BINTRAY_KEY

I just added the minimum config to the release details, but you can add a lot more if you want:

Obviously the details are your choice, I just picked some sane defaults:

    userOrg = 'adw'
    groupId = 'org.adw.library'
    artifactId = 'discreteseekbar'

Before you can push your release to BinTray you need to sign up by following these steps, which are straight forward enough:

You can test your release with -PdryRun=true and it will create the files but not push them up the BinTray, if you are interested under the hood it performs the same actions as this

xrigau commented 9 years ago

very nice :+1:

avgx commented 9 years ago

:+1: waiting

AnderWeb commented 9 years ago

Sorry guys, having a busy week. I'll try this as soon as possible

AOrobator commented 9 years ago

Any progress on this?

aaemman commented 9 years ago

Any progress on this? I would really LOVE to use this library but don't really want to manage the dependency myself.

yaa110 commented 9 years ago


blundell commented 9 years ago

@AnderWeb having a busy 3 months? :D

PaulWoitaschek commented 9 years ago

Busy 4 and half month :-1:

AnderWeb commented 9 years ago

Yes, mother @ hospital, not much time for computers. Sorry.

PaulWoitaschek commented 9 years ago

Cant't you just merge the pull request? Or does that take more work?

AnderWeb commented 9 years ago

Sorry for the delay guys. It's been a difficult time for my family. Closing this with commit c4022b2d63ce6e212d831bd5e926f142a8926965 I'll be creating the first tag/jcenter upload now. Thanks @blundell for everything